
Related to statal: skosh, lee tide


1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) of or relating to a state, such as one of the 50 US states and not the national government
2. (Grammar) grammar of or relating to a passive verb form
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
After fourteen years, a document published in 2015 by the statal company still included the same contaminated areas with POPs in the region [12].
In the north-west of Transylvania, there was a statal formation at Menumorut, with its centre at Biharea, which refused to accept the rule of the Hungarian Duke Arpad (907 AD), and invoked the sovereignty of the Byzantine Emperor, then Leon the 4th in the negotiations with the Duke's messengers.
Their derivatives are also highly frequent: roman [Romanian], either as an adjective or as a noun, counts 2,283 mentions (normalized frequency/10,000 words = 38.623), romanesc [adj., Romanian] - 430 (7.275), statal [statal] - 8, national [national] - 497 (8.408).
One should not confuse nationalism with the processes of statal construction; although they seem synonymous, they are nevertheless two distinct political-social phenomena.
of a public teaching hospital LEMOS, 2012 To critically Through the analysis analyze politics and of politics, practices of health programs and developed in statal projects of Speech intitutions scope, Language and Hearing by students of sciences in the Public Health I field of Public internship of the Health aiming to Federal University learn its principles of Sergipe (Brazil) and guidelines and to base the development of activities.
Onuf considers the international reality an unintended result of the statal agents' domestic and foreign activity, a structured and stucturant realm, more powerful than agents themselves, which, consequently, cannot be overcome.
While all of these are to be found, of course, in each and every one of the world's countries where the multinational corporations operate, in the absence of a multinational statal authority, corporations are free to select from among the world's diverse states the ones that are most convenient for them, the decisive factor being the profit-making possibilities.