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(Historical Terms) formerly, the secret police in East Germany
[from German Sta(ats)si(cherheitsdienst), literally: state security service]
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Release date- 31072019 - IAG Managing Director and CEO Peter Harmer today announced the appointment of Christine Stasi as Group Executive People, Performance and Reputation.
Stasi agents have also been linked to a 1986 disco bombing in Berlin which was also connected to Libya.
The former Stasi officials were members of a secretive counter terror unit reportedly called Department XXII.
Al-Megrahi The unit had helped terrorists previously, and a man thought to have supplied a timer for the bomb had Stasi links.
Dagmar Hovestadt, the spokesperson for the Stasi records agency, told CNN that Putin would have used the identity pass to access Stasi facilities.
Project lead Dr Anselma Gallinat, senior lecturer in sociology at Newcastle University, said: "We want to find out what the people who lived in East Germany knew about the Stasi, how they found out this information, how they shared it and how they used it during their everyday lives.
The Stasi had 90,000 full-time employees who were assisted by 170,000 full-time unofficial collaborators.
The victims of the Stasi, the infamous East German state security service, are at risk of being completely forgotten by the public.
When the German edition of this work appeared in 2001, it instantly became the most complete overview of East Germany's secret police, the Stasi. In part due to his advantageous position as a researcher in the Stasi archive, including almost unfettered access to Stasi files, Jens Gieseke is able to provide not only an astonishing amount of detail on this once most secretive of organizations but also to foresee the key academic debates that would occupy the field for years to come.
In one excerpt from the Stasi lecture, Philby detailed how he was ordered to undermine his boss so he could take over as head of an MI6 section responsible for unmasking Soviet agents, calling it a "very, very dirty story".