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n. pl. stam·noi (-noi)
A two-handled jar having a broad round shape, a short neck, and a wide mouth, used by the ancient Greeks and Romans for storing and mixing liquids.

[Greek; see stā- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


a type of ancient Greek two-handled jar, similar to an amphora but shorter and broader in proportion
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
[187] Mas nao temos um criterio natural com o qual podemos distinguir o que e correto em grego e o que nao e: porque para os atenienses dizer to tarikhos ('carne seca'), no neutro, esta correto, e os peloponesios tem certeza que o correto e ho tarikhos, no masculino; e um diz he stamnos ('jarro'), no feminino, o outro ho stamnos, no masculino.
Vale notar que predominam, no conjunto dos vasos atribuidos ao Fat Boy Group, duas formas: o skyphos--uma das tacas para se beber vinho--e o oinochoe--usado para apanhar o vinho de um krater ou stamnos e o verter num kantharos ou na taca dos convidados.
Compare representations of women celebrating the Lenaia, such as the Attic red-figure stamnos by the Villa Giulia Painter from the mid-fifth century (Oxford, Ashmolean Museum G 289).
They often wield rocks or weapons: commonly spears, swords, hammers, and double axes, occasionally a curved knife or even cooking utensils." A representative example of a Thracian woman slaying Orpheus with a knife is the stamnos now in Zurich, Univ.
Some particularly refined vessels would have featured as smart dinner tableware, such as the Etruscan bucchero ware, (9) the exquisite Egyptian lotus cup, (10) and the better Greek black-and red-figure pieces such as the showpiece Chicago Painter stamnos. (11) While the various wine-drinking cups and the larger Greek vases such as the stamnos and the column krater (12) would have mostly been used and contemplated by men at the Greek symposion (drinking / dinner party), other smaller pottery vessels are drawn from the life of women.
Nolan) 114 16 -- Panathenaic amphora 33 1 1 Other amphoras 4 -- 1 Askos -- 1 -- Chous 2 -- 2 Cup 4 9 1 Stemless cup -- 1 -- Dinos 2 -- -- Hydria 29 11 -- Kantharos -- 1 -- Bell krater with lugs 5 3 -- Calyx krater 20 2 1 Column krater 4 29 80 Volute krater 6 -- -- Other kraters 1 1 -- Lebes gamikos -- 4 -- Lekanis 1 -- -- Lekythos 51 30 -- Loutrophoros 1 4 -- Mug -- 1 1 Oinochoe 7 3 1 Pelike 9 22 21 Phiale 2 -- -- Plate 2 1 -- Psykter -- 1 3 Skyphos 1 8 -- Stamnos 22 3 -- Other fragments 28 15 3 Total 354 170 116 * Drawn from the Beazley
111), a stamnos by the Siren Painter showing Erotes carrying such a ribbon along with other lovegifts, and Paris G45 (AR[V.sup.2] 31.4 = R59 in Kilmer), an amphora by the Dikaios Painter, where a clothed youth and a naked boy kiss, and another shows the clothed youth crowning the naked boy discus-thrower.
Of course, hetairai are regularly depicted bathing on sympotic vessels such as the red-figure stamnos in Munich attributed to the group of Polygnotos (Fig.
"Reexamining Transvestism in Archaic and Classical Athens: The Zewadski Stamnos," AJA 103, pp.