

like a stamen
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The staminoid circle has a uniseriate epidermis, thick cuticle on the external periclincal wall, parenchyma mesophyll with a high number of idioblasts throughout its extension, and vascular bundles (Figure 7c).
In the fertile double flowered forms flowers were observed on the same plant with (1) marked doubling and staminoid and deformed carpels without ovules, (2) sterile anthers or pollen and undeveloped ovules, often with normal styles, (3) fertile pollen and undeveloped ovules, or vice-versa and (4) fertile pollen and developed ovules.
It is a system of tissue culture that uses flora parts (petals and staminoids) to develop embryos genetically identical to those of the matrix plant (Figure 10).
2 cm diam., assimetric; sepals green with borders yellow, oblong to orbicular, abaxial surface glabrous, 6-10 X 2.5-10 mm; petals yellow, two external, oblong to ovate, 14-17 X 7.5-12 mm, two internal, oblanceolate to deltoid, 17-21 X 11-17 mm, cuculus falcate, bent around the stamens, 16-21 X 14-17.5 mm; stamens yellow, 5.5-15 mm long; staminoids yellow 4.5-6 mm long; ovary green, glabrous, 11-16 mm long; style green to yellowish, 3-4 mm long; Legumes oblong, curved, when young vinaceous, mature brown, dry, plane-compressed, 43-115 X 7-13 mm; valves chartaceous, glabrous.
6 cm de diam., asymmetric; sepals green, oblong or orbicular to ovate, abaxial surface pilose, 7.5-8.5 X 4-6 mm; petals yellow, two external, oblong to ovate, 16-31 X 9-26 mm, two internal, oblong to obovate, 14-30 X 9-19 mm, cuculus orbicular, bent around the androecium and gynoecium, 17-25 X 11-20 mm; stamens yellow to vinaceous, 8-18 mm long; staminoids yellow, 4-5 mm long; ovary yellow, setulose, 16-28 mm long; style green, 3-5 mm long.
Flowers 0.7-3 cm diam., asymmetric; sepals green, abaxial surface pilose, elliptic to ovate or ovate to orbicular, 5-12 X 2-9; petals yellow, two external, oblong to ovate, 6-7 X 4-6 mm, two internal, orbicular, 7-8 X 5-5.5 mm, cuculus bent around the androecium, 10-15 X 5-9 mm; stamens yellowish to vinaceous, 2.5-5.5 mm long; staminoids 0.5-2 mm long; ovary vinaceous, pilose, 5-12 mm long; style green to vinaceous, 6-11.5 mm long.
2.5 cm diam., zygomorphic; sepals green, deltoid to elliptical or obovate to oblong, abaxial surface glabrous, 6-9.5 X 3-4.5 mm; petals yellow, two external, obovate, 7-9.5 X 4-5.5 mm, two internal, oblanceolate, 7.5-9 X 3.5-5 mm, cuculus cordate to orbicular, bent around the stamens, 11-13 X 6-7 mm; stamens yellow, 6-7.5 mm long; staminoids yellow, 3-5 mm long; ovary yellow, tomentose, 5-8 mm long; style green, 3-4 mm long.
4 cm diam., assimetric; sepals green, deltoid to ovate or ovate to oblong, abaxial surface glabrous, 5-11 X 3-6 mm; petals yellow with ribs orange, two external, obovate to orbicular, 11-19 X 9-12 mm, two internal, obelliptic, 15-18 X 8-11 mm, cuculus cordiform to orbicular, 14-19 X 14.5-16 mm; stamens yellow, 5-13 mm long; staminoids, 2-5 mm long; ovary yellow, strigose, 8-12 mm long; style light yellow, 8-12 mm long.
11 cm diam., assimetric; sepals green to green-vinaceous, deltoid to ovate or ovate to elliptic, abaxial surface glabrous, 18-36 X 7-18 mm; petals golden yellow, two external, ovate, 14-36 X 7-21 mm, two internal, orbicular, 12-31 X 8-22 mm, cuculus obovate to elliptic, bent around the androecium, 12-27 X 07-13 mm; stamens light yellow, 6-24 mm long; staminoids 3-5 mm long; ovary light green, pubescent, 16-33 mm long; style light green, 2-5 mm long.
Its staminoids are arranged in 4 bundles of 4-5 each; ovary ovoid, has 6-8 stigmatic rays and are glandular.
hypogynus that stamens look like staminoids, carry almost no pollen grains and lack dehiscence, making the spikelet functionally female and the plant monoecious (Norrmann & Quarin, 1991).