staggered hours

staggered hours

pl n
(Industrial Relations & HR Terms) a system of working in which the employees of an organization do not all arrive and leave at the same time, but have large periods of overlap
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Carers UK suggest talking to your employer to see if you can switch to a more flexible working set up, which could mean some time working from home, working staggered hours, or even moving to a job share.
They'd have staggered hours. It wasn't just our camp that came to eat.
"This gets into the policy area of congestion pricing, how we encourage businesses to have staggered hours," Thomas said.
--Did administrative staff work staggered hours so someone was available whenever preparers and reviewers were working?
I think a more efficient way to reduce traffic is to do away with car coding and provide instead for staggered hours of work and classes.
If the answer is that it's done after hours by private paid staff then why is the NHS not working staggered hours in order to scan us less fortunate people who have paid taxes all their lives?
to 7 a.m.) using staggered hours where the upper-level resident arrived on site at 4 p.m.
Summary: The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has introduced staggered hours (flexible working hours) for its employees starting from Monday.
It focuses on internal flexibility (within companies and organisations), both in terms of length of working time (eg part-time) and organisation of working time (eg flexitime arrangements or staggered hours and flexibility in starting and ending the working day).
However, using a staggered hours contract to start later to drop the kids off at school when you can't get childcare could fall in line with the requirements.
QWhat AFlexible working arrangements may include: * Changing from full-time to part-time work * Job sharing * Shift working * Home working for part or all of the time * Staggered hours.