

resembling a theatrical stage
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Beneath this mysterious sign, the gallery was transformed into a stagelike set, in which the viewer became a player in Hughes's narrative, among an array of burned and soggy objects--broken lampposts, a worn-out sleeping bag, corrugated cardboard.
Yet that hushed, heightened formality just as often works for the film's intricately nestled stories-within-stories, creating a stagelike space in which viewers willing to contemplate the film's political and moral underpinnings can do so.
The second gallery makes a wonderful, stagelike first impression, with a glade of 13 crudely improvised lampposts made from wood, metal and bare light bulbs.
whether you be a foole or a Justice of peace, a Cuckold or a Capten, a Lord Maiors sonne or a dawcocke, a knaue or an vnder Shreife, of what stamp soeuer you be, currant or counterfet, the Stagelike time will bring you to most perfect light, and lay you open: neither are you to be hunted from thence though the Scar-crowes in the yard, hoot at you, hisse at you, spit at you, yea throw durt euen in your teeth: tis most Gentlemanlike patience to endure all this, and to laugh at the silly Animals; but if the Rabble with a full throat, crie away with the foole, you were worse then a mad-man to tarry by it: for the Gentleman and the foole should neuer sit on the Stage together.
poeticall." (45) Malevole urges Pietro, "O do not rand, do not turne plaier" in The Malcontent (1603-4); (46) and in The Wonder of Women (1606) a character forswears any "stagelike passion." (47) Mrs.
As Wakana puts it, James's novels are concerned with the stagelike quality of everyday life.
A recent study provided support for the stagelike relationship of adjacent subscales of the University of Rhode Island Change Assessment instrument, the renamed version of the SoC, among incarcerated adolescents (Cohen et al., 2005).
The three male MCs were dressed for the catwalk and they prowled the stagelike they didn't want to get their clothes creased, although they occasionally pulled a few crazy breakdancing moves to keep us on our toes.
1) with a group of mature and late interiors, of outstanding quality, that translate the intimist Nabi style into a more stagelike appearance, among them The table (1925) and The breakfast room (1930-31).
Chart-toppers Blue bounded onto agraffititagged stagelike four playful Labradors.
His proud father,David, said: ``I know I couldn't get on stagelike that.