splanchnic nerve

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Noun1.splanchnic nerve - any of several nerves of the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system that innervate viscera and blood vessels
nerve, nervus - any bundle of nerve fibers running to various organs and tissues of the body
sympathetic nervous system - originates in the thoracic regions of the spinal cord; opposes physiological effects of the parasympathetic: reduces digestive secretions; speeds the heart; contracts blood vessels
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It is innervated by preganglionic fibres of the splanchnic nerve. The cortical cells are modified postganglionic neurones.
Movy, "The effectiveness of alcohol versus phenol based splanchnic nerve neurolysis for the treatment of intra-abdominal cancer pain," Pain Physician, vol.
Splanchnic nerve is mainly composed of the sympathetic nerve fibers and visceral pain afferent fibers, and the concomitant of the former is relatively much fewer than the latter.
These cells projected a large, conspicuous (often beaded) axon along the great splanchnic nerve (GSPN), branching extensively at the junction of this nerve with the segmental splanchnic nerve (SSN) [ILLUSTRATION FOR FIGURE 1C OMITTED].
The descending colon and rectum receive nerve branches from the inferior splanchnic nerve, which comes from the lowest (sacral) part of the spinal cord.
It is located in front of the diaphragm crura, medially to the adrenal glands and upon the abdominal aorta surrounding the origin of the celiac trunk and the superior mesenteric artery, composed of dense strands of splanchnic nerve fibers (Snyder et al.).
The sympathetic nerves for the abdomen and pelvis are called splanchnic nerves. The greater splanchnic nerve arises from T5-9 and terminates in the celiac plexus.
Another series of studies have shown that through actions in rostral ventrolateral medulla (rVLM), stimulation of both gallbladder and gastric afferent activates splanchnic nerves and increases blood pressure.
Vagal efferent activity starts with stimulus of oropharyngeal receptors by oral intake and increases with gastrointestinal peristaltic activity, consequently leading to insulin release, inhibition of norepinephrine from splanchnic nerves, gluconeogenesis and activation of glycogen synthesis (14).
The cell bodies of splanchnic nerves are located in the thoracolumbar DRG.