Spitz dog

Spitz´ dog´

1.(Zool.) A breed of dogs having erect ears and long silky hair, usually white; - called also Pomeranian dog, and louploup.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
For when it is stated, for instance, that the German Spitz dog unites more easily than other dogs with foxes, or that certain South American indigenous domestic dogs do not readily cross with European dogs, the explanation which will occur to everyone, and probably the true one, is that these dogs have descended from several aboriginally distinct species.
A one and half year male spitz dog of 6.5 kg was presented with history of eaten corn cob, vomiting, absence of defecation and anorexia.
Despite being 14-years-old, blind, diabetic and having a heart murmur, the Spitz dog owned by Pauline and David Crompton of Salendine Nook, wowed judges at a North Yorkshire show.
Magistrates at Guildford, Surrey, were told how the rottweiller and a Finnish spitz dog would have suffered in temperatures of at least 130F when Percy left them for three hours in the back of a car.
A three year old male Spitz dog weighing 5.6 kgs was presented with history of severe dyspnea and open mouth breathing for past three weeks with reduced feed intake.
The court had been told how the rottweiller and a Finnish spitz dog would have suffered hideously as they baked in temperatures of at least 50C (130F) after Percy had left them for three hours in the back of a Volvo car,
A female Spitz dog was presented with otic discharge from left ear for past two months.
Ankyloblepharon filiforme adnatum a rare benign congenital abnormality of eyelids reported to occur rarely in humans was reported in a three months old Spitz dog. Surgery to free these adhesions should be performed as soon as possible to prevent the risk of occlusional amblyopia.
(2014) in non-descript and Pekingese dog while only tarsorrhaphy in Spitz dog for 7 days and Joy et al.
The established b/a ratio at intensity of 3 cds.s/[m.sup.2] in healthy Spitz dog is 2.33+0.73 (Kelawala, 2014).
A male Spitz dog was presented with history of frequent sneezing, coughing, dyspnoea and occasional epistaxis.
A male spitz dog was presented with history of swelling on neck region for past three months.