soft-shelled turtle

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soft-shelled turtle

(Animals) any freshwater turtle of the family Trionychidae, having a flattened soft shell consisting of bony plates covered by a leathery skin
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.soft-shelled turtle - voracious aquatic turtle with a flat flexible shell covered by a leathery skinsoft-shelled turtle - voracious aquatic turtle with a flat flexible shell covered by a leathery skin; can inflict painful bites
turtle - any of various aquatic and land reptiles having a bony shell and flipper-like limbs for swimming
family Trionychidae, Trionychidae - soft-shelled turtles
spiny softshell, Trionyx spiniferus - river turtle of western United States with a warty shell; prefers quiet water
smooth softshell, Trionyx muticus - river turtle of Mississippi basin; prefers running water
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Other food on the menu are soft-shelled turtle soup and deep-fried spiced snake.
Amino acids, Fatty acids, Different strains, Pelodiscus sinensis, Chinese soft-shelled turtle.
In 1954, the couple gave the zoo a soft-shelled turtle they brought from the Jordan River on a nine-day journey by boat.
A two-week-old narrow-headed soft-shelled turtle. With its soft shell and tube-like nostrils, they are one of the world's most unusual species of turtle.
AY548484; soft-shelled turtle iridovirus, GenBank accession no.
The fate of the Yangtze giant soft-shelled turtle, which can weigh up to 220 pounds, depends on whether two elderly turtles in Chinese zoos are able to reproduce.
However, crayfish have been found to be an important food item for large, alien, carnivorous fish species and for the soft-shelled turtle (Apalone spinifera), garter snakes (Thamnophis marcianus), Yuma Clapper Rail, and some mid-sized mammals in the U.S.
The unusual Chinese soft-shelled turtle was handed to Tynemouth's Blue Reef Aquarium by the warden of an old people's home.
We performed an environmental study of the restaurant and the soft-shelled turtle farm.
Authorities found evidence including: two live turtles weighing 17kg; 15 Asian soft-shelled turtles weighing 26.8kg; four unspecified turtles weighing 20kg; one live python weighing 10.5kg; 16kg of wild boar meat; 6.5kg of red muntjac meat, four dead civets weighing 8.5kg; and 14 pairs of bears' nails.