sleepaway camp

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sleepaway camp

a camp providing facilities for teenagers to sleep away from home
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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You branched out so much this summer (sleepaway camp, befriending your new neighbor, the high dive!), there's no way you are hiding your light.
When their dads fall in love, Bett and Avery are sent to the same sleepaway camp in hopes that they will find common ground and become friends - and possibly, one day, even sisters.
Add in recreational amenities like tennis courts, horseshoes and cardio equipment, and it sounds like the closest thing the federal prison system has to sleepaway camp.
In her Camping Magazine article "Bunks Are Good for Brains: The Neuroscience of Sleepaway Camp," Tina Bryson, PhD, reminds us that when we create emotionally and physically safe communities at camp, it engages and builds the middle prefrontal cortex.
Starring Vernon Wells (Mad Max 2, Road Warrior), Felissa Rose (Sleepaway Camp), Devanny Pinn (Bus Party to Hell) and Thomas Haley (The Fear of Walking Dead).
I can't be the only one who doesn't have an entire year's salary stashed away so I can send my kids to a sleepaway camp. They need to understand the fact that kids need a break from their gadget madness.
The action centers on young girls attending a summer sleepaway camp where each confronts a challenge that allows her to become the heroine of her own story.
He remembers going to the infirmary at sleepaway camp at age 12 after experiencing bad stomach pains, and being given a disgusting liquid remedy that would nonetheless leave him floating.
My friend, writer Stephanie Dolgoff, has been eradicating my SAD (Schmuck-in-the-White-House Affective Disorder) all week with manic Facebook musings about whether the sweet Michael Cohen she kissed at sleepaway camp in the Poconos in 1979 grew up to become the sour Cheeto's chief counsel.
The next question to consider is whether you want your child to experience day or sleepaway camp. Many parents opt for a day camp for the first camp experience, then "graduate'" to sleep-away, gradually expanding the number of days or weeks their child is away.
At one nondenominational Massachusetts girls' sleepaway camp, Camp Pembroke, Israel is infused into every part of camp life, says director Ellen Felcher.
I went to sleepaway camp every summer when I was growing up.