slave ship

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slave ship

(Historical Terms) a ship used to transport slaves, esp formerly from Africa to the New World
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Noun1.slave ship - a ship used to transport slaves from their homes to places of bondageslave ship - a ship used to transport slaves from their homes to places of bondage
ship - a vessel that carries passengers or freight
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References in classic literature ?
In a pirate, man-of-war, or slave ship, when the captain is rowed anywhere in his boat, he always sits in the stern sheets on a comfortable, sometimes cushioned seat there, and often steers himself with a pretty little milliner's tiller decorated with gay cords and ribbons.
What a red rag is to a bull, Turner's "Slave Ship" was to me, before I studied art.
which attracted me most did not remind me of the Slave Ship.
In the slave quarters, and even later, I heard whispered conversations among the coloured people of the tortures which the slaves, including, no doubt, my ancestors on my mother's side, suffered in the middle passage of the slave ship while being conveyed from Africa to America.
But the Alabama Historical Commission ruled out that possibility because of major differences between the two vessels. The false alarm last year helped spark a renewed search that found another wreck now identified as the slave ship.
Had they finally found evidence of the slave ship Guerrero, which sank nearly 200 years ago in or near the waters of what is now Biscayne National Park?
IN the very serious fantasy world of Original Sin II, religious persecution is law and Sourcerers (sic) are heretic criminals - hence your first hour is spent being collared, packed aboard a slave ship and consigned to miserable survival on a penal colony.
Shackles From the Deep: Tracing the Path of a Sunken Slave Ship, a Bitter Past, and a Rich Legacy.
He revisits the short biography model he used in The Slave Ship [2008] to situate the lives of two sailors, Edward Barlow and Henry Pittman, within the larger Atlantic's issues and dangers.
THEATRE Unsung A Caribbean slave ship, a Liverpool bookshop.
Chapter 6, a revised version of a chapter in Rediker's The Slave Ship (2007), is a powerful reconnaissance of the massive traffic in human beings across the Atlantic.