slave labor

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Related to slave labor: slavery, Forced labor, Chattel slavery

slave′ la′bor

1. a labor force of slaves or slavelike prisoners.
2. labor performed by such a force.
3. any coerced or poorly paid work.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The slave labor agreement is in a way our last attempt to achieve moral recognition for the tortuous treatment of slave labor while the remnants of the Holocaust survivors are still alive."
The former GIs, the bill states, were transported to Japan "where they were forced to perform slave labor for the benefit of private Japanese companies under barbaric conditions that included torture and inhumane treatment."
For slave owners, who made up to a growing part of Northern Nigeria's social formation before colonial rule and who used slave labor on plantations, mining, leather works and textile production, the nature of transformation was two-fold.
Far from doing nothing, the legislators actually approved several milestone measures, including the Marshall Plan to stave off the Communist threat to Europe and the Taft-Hartley Labor Act, which Truman called the "slave labor act."
And because slave labor aided the South's war effort, a policy of freeing slaves would drain a key resource from the enemy whenever Union armies came near.
Little of the land was devoted to tobacco or hemp--the two Missouri crops most apt to employ slave labor. In the Dade County population of 4,246, less than 6.5 percent or 275 individuals, were black.
They assert that Myanmar's government uses foreign investment to shore up the military, and that the SLORC will do anything - even provide slave labor - in order to foster goodwill.
the mobilization of labor in the face of low density population spread without huge expenditures in capital, how to unravel the riddles confronting Ottoman economic historians as concerns silk manufacture in Bursa and the role of slave weavers in it;* slave labor in both private and public enterprises was not considered uncommon by her account.
This paper is a nontechnical note on the analysis of the use of slave labor as production inside the economic region of production and the consequent reallocation of the fixed slave input to other plantation activities.
He was a native of North Carolina devoted to the South and brought up on a plantation run by slave labor. He worked at miscellaneous jobs in his early years; in 1849 he went to California and didn't like what he saw there, as he told in Land of Gold: Reality vs.
Helper, who was born in North Carolina and raised on a plantation, is best known for The Impending Crisis of the South: How to Meet It (1857), in which he argued that because of its slave labor the South was economically and culturally far behind the North.
Pope Frances, an advocate for the poor, has stepped up on May Day to denounce workers conditions in Bangladesh and compare their condition to "slave labor." He linked work with dignity and argued that providing extra work for others is a higher purpose than making profits, reported BBC news and Vatican Radio.