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A line of nylon webbing or other material that is stretched above the ground at a tension that allows the user to sway and spring when performing stunts and balancing maneuvers.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Mr Cook explained: "High-lining is taking a slackline and rigging it up high, using a harness and safety leash.
In the Adrenaline Zone, there will be demonstrations by slackline athletes, extreme mountain bike trial riders, parkour freerunners, in-line skaters and scooter riders and a range of BMX stunt displays, plus Xpogo, a stunt team made up of the world's best extreme pogo stick athletes.
The Yjumper Pro team developed a prototype which uses a three point slackline bungee cord / cage connection to provide a new kind of powerful trampoline.
Computer programmer Jack Chandler admitted it looks terrifying but he added balancing high on a slackline, which is normally between 2cm and 5cm wide, was akin to 'floating in the air.'.
"Because of the sort of person I am - I've learned to juggle recently and I've just bought a slackline (tightrope) - I always challenge myself to do things, so they were intrigued but not surprised.
Summary: On a hilltop terrace with horses grazing nearby, Qadisha Valley resident Tony took his first tentative steps on a slackline.
Rock-climb in the Needles, kayak a waterfall in Iceland, or slackline across a canyon in Moab.
The La Perle artists are able to showcase the extent of their acrobatic abilities, performing acts of contortion, slackline and choreography.
In addition to dodgeball and the Japanese Kendo, activities organised especially for children on Pitch 10 from 9am to 3pm include Boot camp and Telematch competitions, 5-a-side tournaments, football, martial arts and slackline skills demonstrations.