
Also found in: Idioms.


open-mouthedvery surprised
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"Hang up, some of you, and make wax for these slack-jawed sisters."
Look you, I have noticed in my long life that those who eternally break in upon Those Above with complaints and reports and bellowings and weepings are presently sent for in haste, as our Colonel used to send for slack-jawed down-country men who talked too much.
The bash is famously extravagant but the singer's four-change performance left the other attention seekers slack-jawed.
Instead you stare slack-jawed to the east at a whole new neighbourhood - the largest private development in US history at PS19billion.
BODYGUARD CONSPIRACY THEORIES *SPOILER ALERT* After leaving us slack-jawed with last week's episode, series creator Jed Mercurio says Keeley Hawes' character is definitely dead.
It's a full-throttle galaxy-shattering epic which is guaranteed to leave fans slack-jawed by the time the lights come up.
Additionally, any suggestion that there be daycare or breast-feeding facilities anywhere outside international corporate HQs is met with slack-jawed mystification, likewise compliance with the Maternity Benefits Act.
Can it really have been a year ago last Wednesday that I sat slack-jawed in Los Angeles and watched with utter horror as the reality rolled in?
Tonight's episode picks up exactly where we left off, with Andy (the very easy-on-the-eye Emun Elliott) staring slack-jawed at the computer and Ally/Cath en route to visit her ailing father.
But, as singing superstar Sir Tom Jones stepped centre stage at the MGM Grand in January 2009, it became clear to the slack-jawed fans that age had finally caught up with their idol.
In just one telecast, the 'in your face' program introduced slack-jawed viewers to a living, breathing vampire, ragtag members of a Satanic cult, and a wacko 'teacher' who trains other women to-behave like a racehorse!