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adj, -pier or -piest
tending to skip
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Cookie pie INGREDIENTS SERVES 8 120g plain flour 1/2tsp baking powder 1/2tsp salt 200g brown sugar 75g butter, softened 85g smooth and creamy SKIPPY Peanut Butter 1 egg 1/2tsp vanilla essence 85g red, white and blue coated chocolate drops or sugar sprinkles For the topping: 85g smooth and creamy SKIPPY Peanut Butter 2 tbsp butter, softened 65g icing sugar 1 to 2tbsp milk Red, white and blue sprinkles, if desired DIRECTIONS Heat oven to 175C.
She met a new student, a friend named Skippy. They played happily outside together until lunch time.
The brothers are now crowdfunding the next stage of the development of the Skippy Scout app as a means to help farmers make better decisions by having immediate information about their crops on their smartphone.
Wind Power, Skippy Foods (which manufactures all the world's Skippy
Skippy's best: The Italian beef sandwiches at Skippy's Gyros in St.
SKIPPY was rushed into our animal hospital by one of our inspectors after she was found by a concerned member of the public.
MENTION Skippy's Gastro Pub to loyal customers, and invariably, these are the things they could easily mention: awesome food, exciting sports, videoke nights, unlimited margarita and great selection of beer/beverages.
Summary: In Australia, skippy alludes to one thing primarily: The kangaroo
Skippy Waste Services Ltd has been fined PS35,000 after the incident at its Yarm Road base in Stockton in September 2016.
Skippyjon Jones and the Big Bones opens with busy Skippy digging in Mrs Dolly Doohiggy's garden.
Just that one day you remember from childhood, where the warmth on your back put a spring in your step and when you got home for tea, which mum made, in her pinny, Skippy The Bush Kangaroo was on telly.