skipping rope

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Noun1.skipping rope - a length of rope (usually with handles on each end) that is swung around while someone jumps over itskipping rope - a length of rope (usually with handles on each end) that is swung around while someone jumps over it
rope - a strong line
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skipping rope

n (Brit) → Hüpf- or Sprungseil nt
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

skipping rope

n (Brit) → corda per saltare
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in classic literature ?
hundreds at least, strings of sausages, and every now and then Joey jumped up and played skipping rope with them.
Polly 's mad!" sung Maud, skipping rope round the room.
Indian Sports Centre (ISC), under the patronage of the Embassy of India, organised the third edition of 'Skipping Rope Open Championship' in Speed Hop and Speed Endurance categories for boys, girls, men and women in Doha, recently.
5 NIKE FUNDAMENTAL WEIGHTED SKIPPING ROPE, PS19.95, EASY-TO-USE both indoors and out, this skipping rope is great for building up speed, strength and coordination.
22 (ANI): If you are looking for an uncomplicated full-body workout, which literally takes minutes, then the skipping rope is your best friend.
5 SKIPPING ROPE I bought a traditional boxing skipping rope for my son Jack.
During the mega event badminton, tug of war and skipping rope games were played by students.
In our first case, while the girl was playing with her toys and jumping over the skipping rope on the balcony on her own and the skipping rope had tangled around her neck.
Speed rope, aka jumping or skipping rope, is one of the most effective workouts you can do in a jiffy.
Following our article of March 16 "In the Jailed Corner", Barry Hughes has asked us to point out that he denies having either boxing gloves or a skipping rope in his possession when he attended court to be sentenced for fraud and those items were not seized from him.
The present research has been done in order to examin the effect of skipping rope on body composition and heart beat in rest time of inactive boy students.