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Noun1.sinlessness - the state of being unsullied by sin or moral wrong; lacking a knowledge of evil
condition, status - a state at a particular time; "a condition (or state) of disrepair"; "the current status of the arms negotiations"
cleanness - without moral defects
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References in classic literature ?
How colorless by contrast appeared the sinlessness which came from inability to sin, the conquest which was attained by flying from the enemy!
When enquired about righteousness (sinlessness), participants expressed they were forgiven through faith by Christ's death on the cross (54%).
The absolute shamelessness of the flowers, but also the sinlessness.
The Pearl mentions that she has done little work, but her claim to spotlessness comes primarily from her virginity, not from any other kind of innocence or sinlessness. Likewise, although everyday Christians like the narrator have the chance to become pearls (1212), the path that leads through penance is clearly inferior to the Pearl's path, which requires no penance and leads to special recognition.
As ideologically and theologically nonsensical as such implications are, the ultimate outworking of this problem is seen most poignantly among the non-Christian community: sinlessness is clinically indicated in healthy, psychobehavioral functionality.
(62) The question of original sin is also related to other doctrines, such as the doctrine of the sinlessness of Christ, which need further exploration, but fall outside the scope of this article.
In this regard, they accused al-Udvi that he does not believe in sinlessness nature of the prophets (ismat-e-ambiya).
Mary is singular in sinlessness, but she is never meant to be alone on the road to God.
Since 1530, the Anabaptist convert Melchior Hofmann defended the sinlessness of Jesus on the basis of a monophysite-docetic doctrine in which the Logos, through the work of the Holy Spirit, took on flesh and blood "in" Mary, but not "through" Mary.
McClendon's insistence that the story of Christ fully encompasses and discloses the story of humanity means that in Christ's humanity is the story of humanity as it ought to be--seen in the New Testament emphasis on the sinlessness of Jesus or positively expressed as his "full faithfulness" (69)--as well as the story of humanity in opposition to God's intentions for human life.
Jesus declares that in the "kingdom of heaven," that is, in the new order that he inaugurates, greatness is measured not by rank or power but by "becoming like children." A "child" (Greek paidion) is here not so much a symbol of sinlessness or dependence as an example of a social "nobody." The child has neither status nor social importance.
This inability to avoid sin wholly undermines any claim to perfect justice or sinlessness on the part of anyone.