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(Medicine) radiography of salivary glands once they have been injected with a contrast medium
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Parotid Tumors Market Information: By Type (Pleomorphic Adenoma) By Treatment (Removal Of Lymph Node, Radiation Therapy, Chemotherapy) By Diagnosis (Ct Scan, Ultrasound, Sialography) And End Users (Hospitals, Specialty Centers) - Global Forecast Till 2023
[2,6] The diagnosis is done by FNAC, ultrasonography and MR sialography. Both ultrasonography and MR sialography reveals that the gland proper remains nearly normal and only the ductular part is dilated.
Several techniques are used for diagnosis of sialolithiasis, ranging from simple techniques such as palpation and inspection [2], including analysis of secreted saliva [2, 7], to complementary examinations such as radiography, sialography, computed tomography, and ultrasonography [1-7].
In general, imaging modalities for the parotid gland include plain radiography, sialography [either conventional, computed tomography (CT), or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasonography (US), CT, MRI, and radionuclide scintigraphy (5).
Imaging of the salivary gland for sialolithiasis may be accomplished with plain radiography, sialography, ultrasonography, CT, and magnetic resonance imaging.
The classic investigation methods for sialolithiasis include conventional radiography and imaging such as, ultrasound, computed tomography CT scans and sialography. Conventional radiography like orthopentomogram (OPG) and occlusal view fail to show presence of radiolucent stones.5 Thick radiological slices and lack of precise localization limits the usefulness of CT scans.6 Ultra sound is of advantage however expertise is required for identification of stones and associated changes within the duct system.7
Where available, sialography has also been useful in diagnosing RJP in the past, with the very characteristic patterns of multiple areas of punctate and globular sialectasis scattered throughout the glandular parenchyma.
The various modalities for accurate localization include ultrasonography, plain films, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, endoscopy, and sialography. (6) Parotid calculi, which account for 15 to 20% of all salivary calculi, are difficult to demonstrate on plain radiography.
Objective Oral Signs (at least one present) * Unstimulated whole salivary flow (<1.5 ml/15 minutes) * Abnormal parotid sialography * Abnormal salivary scintigraphy VI.
Parotid sialography showing the presence of diffuse sialectasiasis (punctate, caviatary or destructive pattern), without evidence of obstruction in the major ducts.