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Related to sialoadenitis: Sjogren's syndrome


, sialoadenitis
n. sialoadenitis, infl. de una glándula salival.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


n sialoadenitis f
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The sialoadenitis do occur whenever there is reduced salivary flow which results into retrograde infection of the glandular tissue via the salivary duct.
The terms sialoadenitis and sialolithiasis contain the Greek word for saliva-sialon ([phrase omitted]), instead of Latin term-saliva (which was used in the term glandulae salivariae).
Mikulicz's disease, which consists of symmetrical swelling of the lacrimal and salivary glands, is now recognized as IgG4-related dacryoadenitis and IgG4-related sialoadenitis (IgG4-RS) (6).
Trabajaron con 8 pacientes, de los cuales 6 habian sido irradiados, I con sindrome de Sjogren y 1 con sialoadenitis cronica.
Hepatitis C virus infection can involve a variety of extra-hepatic conditions including the oral cavity, some oral manifestation are oral diseases like lichen planus and sjogren-like sialoadenitis (19).
Iodine has a few mild side effects such as rash, drug fever, sialoadenitis, conjunctivitis, mucositis, vasculitis, and leukemoid eosinophilic granulocytosis [22].
Ohta et al., "Lesional CD4+ IFN-[gamma]+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes in IgG4-related dacryoadenitis and sialoadenitis," Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, vol.
No study has reported an association between KD and other types of sialoadenitis, including submandibular or sublingual sialoadenitis.
Ohta et al., "Lesional CD4+ IFNy+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes in IgG4-related dacryoadenitis and sialoadenitis," Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 2016.