

functioning without a shuttle
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Weaving Machines (Shuttleless)###3,026###7,203###3,451###10,935
All Pakistan Textile Mills Association (APTMA) Patron-in-Chief and former chairman Gohar Ejaz said over three million spindles and 2,000 shuttleless looms shut down in Punjab since 2010, primarily due to high cost and non-availability of energy.
All Pakistan Textile Mills Association (APTMA) Patron-inChief and former chairman Gohar Ejaz said over three million spindles and 2,000 shuttleless looms shut down in Punjab since 2010, primarily due to high cost and non-availability of energy.
While the demand for six feet and above width is on the rise, Pakistani entrepreneurs have failed in adding shuttleless and airjet looms.
The scheme will cover only automatic shuttleless looms of 10 years' vintage and with a residual life of minimum 10 years.
The company also has installed 24 shuttleless looms/weaving machines for manufacture of cotton fabrics.
Its production facilities include ring spindles 380,000 units, open end rotor, twisting spindles (two for one twister) and shuttleless weaving machine.
It is the setting up of shuttleless, width air jet or rapier looms, capable of producing better quality cloth with a width ranging from 70 to 140 inches.
The weaving capacity of the textiles industry has been static at 10,000 shuttleless looms for the past many years, which is no match to the quantum jump that the industry has taken in the spinning sector.
After decades of investment in hew technologies, textile firms are able to churn out thousands of square yards every hour with as few as 10 or 20 employees.(21) Examples of some of the technological developments that have made this possible include open-end spinning in yarn production and shuttleless looms that allow more fabric to be produced than did the previous generation of looms.
Some of the technological developments that make this possible are open-end spinning of yarn and shuttleless looms.