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Related to shutters: Lowes


1. One that shuts, as:
a. A hinged cover or screen for a window, usually fitted with louvers.
b. A mechanical device of a camera that controls the duration of a photographic exposure, as by opening and closing to allow light coming through the lens to expose a plate or film.
2. shutters Music The movable louvers on a pipe organ, controlled by pedals, that open and close the swell box.
tr.v. shut·tered, shut·ter·ing, shut·ters
1. To furnish or close with shutters: locked the doors and shuttered the windows.
2. To cause to cease operations; close down: shuttered the store for the holiday.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
prozorski kapci
cửa chớp


دَرْفَة okenice skodder Fensterläden παραθυρόφυλλα contraventana, persianas ikkunaluukut volets prozorski kapci persiana シャッター 덧문 luik lemmer okiennica persianas, veneziana ставни fönsterluckor บานเกล็ดหน้าต่าง kepenk cửa chớp 百叶窗
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
The clergyman's shutters fitted well, and the clergyman's curtains were closely drawn.
Up here also the shutters were tightly closed, the ventilation being perfunctorily done, for this day at least, by opening the hall-window in front and an upper window behind.
From a distance resounded, deadened, however, by good shutters, the songs of the tipplers, enjoying themselves in the cabarets scattered along the plain.
It was hot in the room, the inside shutters of which were closed.
I couldn't hardly hang on to the shutters, I was so weak.
"I must work the garden--I must work the garden," I said to myself, five minutes later, as I waited, upstairs, in the long, dusky sala, where the bare scagliola floor gleamed vaguely in a chink of the closed shutters. The place was impressive but it looked cold and cautious.
You only know the shell of a Scot until you have entered his home circle; in his office, in clubs, at social gatherings where you and he seem to be getting on so well he is really a house with all the shutters closed and the door locked.
Heavy, wooden shutters there were to close the window apertures against hostile arrows, and these Mugambi was engaged in lowering when Lady Greystoke appeared upon the veranda.
My evidence showed that the door had been fastened upon the inner side, and the windows were blocked by old-fashioned shutters with broad iron bars, which were secured every night.
At the first dawn of the morning we closed all the messy shutters of our old building; lighting a couple of tapers which, strongly perfumed, threw out only the ghastliest and feeblest of rays.
By the last rays of the setting sun I looked at the familiar row of windows in front, and saw that the shutters were all closed.
Such were, and such continued to be, the pursuits of the party, for half an hour after the shutters were closed, and candles were placed in various parts of the hall, as substitutes for departing daylight.