References in classic literature ?
The night wind tells me secrets Of lotus lilies blue; And hour by hour the willows Shake down the chiming dew.
Yes; it needed a few days after the taking of your departure for a ship's company to shake down into their places, and for the soothing deep-water ship routine to establish its beneficent sway.
And they lie all tumbled about on the green, like the crab-apples that you shake down to your swine.
Just to have a roof over her until I find a room in the village where we can shake down." Here, led by his own words to contemplate the future, he looked desolately round the cornice of the hall, as if it were a shelf on which somebody might have left a suitable lodging for him.
Owners, in fact, have become adept at using their monopoly status to shake down localities for stadium improvements and other concessions.
Burke faces one charge of attempted extortion that alleges he tried to shake down a Burger King franchise owner for business for his private law firm while the company needed city permits for a restaurant location in Burke's 14th Ward.
We would hope to be able to shake down the vehicle on a runway in the UK either at the end of 2011 or at the beginning of 2012," chief engineer Mark Chapman told BBC News.
The world No.1 would regularly shake down middle-aged men just to earn his green fees.
More tartan-trimmings to help shake down Sunday dinner at the old folk's home, then?
They were each reported to have suffered a broken leg as the world's biggest cruise ship was sailing on the first of three 'shake down' trips before she begins to take paying passengers.
Michael Portillo and Kenneth Clarke may yet form an unlikely alliance to shake down Conservatives and make them electable again.
But in their haste to shake down Microsoft, some attorneys apparently failed to learn a few key facts.