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or Shake·spear·i·an·a  (shāk-spîr′ē-ăn′ə, -ä′nə)
A collection of items by or relating to Shakespeare.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈʃeɪkˌspɪərɪˈɑːnə; ʃeɪkˌspɪər-)
pl n
(Literary & Literary Critical Terms) collected writings or items relating to Shakespeare
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Mr Kendall ran a theatre group called Shakespeareana and they would tour India too," wrote Bachchan.
1820, na traducao da obra shakespeareana, que sera acompanhada de um
La cita recupera esa evocacion de una patria que emerge en medio de la batalla de Trafalgar, pero a diferencia de la alusion shakespeareana, la cita del poema se encuentra en su lengua original.
In an 1899 letter to the editor of the American journal Shakespeareana, Davenport explained that in 1836 her father had taken over the lease of the Richmond Theatre and the "dwelling house attached," where Kean had died three years prior.
Paralelamente, en la adaptacion Shakespeareana, se trata de un psiquiatra, William, el encargado de ayudar a Max-Hamlet a enfrentarse con los miedos que le atormentan.
''Its cultural offerings can keep pace with the capital's (there's the worldrenowned Birmingham Royal Ballet, Birmingham Repertory Theatre Company, and the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, plus a rock scene that launched Ozzy Osbourne and Duran Duran), and September saw the opening of a much-anticipated $300 million public library (it looks like a stack of Legos wrapped in mesh and houses a Shakespeare Memorial Room, with an impressive collection of Shakespeareana).'' One 'must-see destination' highlighted in the article is the Custard Factory, which is bizarrely described as an "amalgam of East London and Dumbo.'' Vintage clothing shop Urban Village, live-art gallery Eastside Projects, and Digbeth Dining Club also get a mention in the article.
He joined the Shakespeareana Company (with Geoffrey, Laura, Jennifer and Felicity Kendall, amongst others) touring India and Pakistan in 1947-48 and 1953-54.
Felicity Kendal''s experience was very different though - she got her introduction to the Bard by travelling across India with her parents'' theatre company, Shakespeareana.