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1. Determination of one's own fate or course of action without compulsion; free will.
2. Freedom of the people of a given area to determine their own political status; independence.

self′-de·ter′mined (-tûr′mĭnd) adj.
self′-de·ter′min·ing (-tûr′mĭ-nĭng) adj. & n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


[ˌselfdɪˈtɜːmɪnd] ADJautodeterminado
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
He also expressed that the Punjab Food Authority is self-determined and aimed at eliminating the counterfeits and adulteration mafia according to the vision of PM Imran Khan.
A thrilling and vibrant live-action adaptation of Disney's animated classic, Aladdin, is the exciting tale of the charming street rat Aladdin, the courageous and self-determined Princess Jasmine, and the genie who may be the key to their future.
"Aladdin" tells the tale of the charming street rat Aladdin, the courageous and self-determined Princess Jasmine and the Genie who may be the key to their future.
Jewish Millionaire follows this trope closely, as the memoir explores Honda's transformation from a timid Japanese student to a self-determined activist, fluent in English and determined to fulfill the promises he makes to the Jewish communitya promise to "fix a broken world."
The show ended on the notion of being self-determined and confident as a woman, while overcoming the fear of being judged and body-shamed and highlighted the issue of breast cancer, which is prevalent at an alarming level in the society.
"Aladdin" is the exciting tale of the charming street rat Aladdin, the courageous and self-determined Princess Jasmine and the Genie who may be the key to their future.
In fact, basic psychological needs positively predicted the more self-determined regulations (intrinsic motivation, integrated regulation, and identified regulation) in adolescents (Mendez-Gimenez et al., 2012; Moreno-Murcia, Marzo, Martinez-Galindo, & Conte, 2011) and practitioners of crossfit (Davies, Coleman, & Babkes-Stellino, 2016).
Self-Determined Stories: The Indigenous Reinvention of Young Adult Literature
Most of the research that has applied the theory to this domain has focused on either the consequences of self-determined versus controlled motivation (Hagger, Chatzisarantis, & Biddle, 2002).
Motivation scores were standardized and computed as an index of self-determined motivation for healthy eating by subtracting the controlled motivation score from autonomous motivation.