

a.1.Devouring one's self or itself.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
When success is measured by counting numbers, you only end up with a self-devouring behavior.
"It was in these boundless, self-devouring reviews that he grew his voice."
It's a realm of weird parables, impossible logics, self-devouring stories; a realm flooded with moonlight, at times lush, at times vacant.
For Holly Sykes -- daughter, sister, mother, guardian -- is also an unwitting player in a murderous feud played out in the shadows and margins of our world, and may prove to be its decisive weapon.Metaphysical thriller, meditation on mortality and chronicle of our self-devouring times, this kaleidoscopic novel crackles with the invention and wit.Here is fiction at its most spellbinding and memorable best.* Read it now in paperback The Telling Error, Sophie Hannah, ISBN 9781444736762 (Hodder) BD3.900 for Gulf Weekly Book Club members.All she wanted to do was take her son's forgotten sports kit to school.So why does Nicki Clements drive past the home of controversial newspaper columnist Damon Blundy eight times in one day?
Pretend that there is no link between generations and you will end like the mythic Uroboros, the circular self-devouring snake.
Theirs is a masochistic and self-devouring love, but it suits their hyperbolic style, and everything is lovey-dovey--until Jackie looks around the crummy room he and Veronica share in a Times Square residential hotel and spots a hat that doesn't belong to him.
self-devouring chaos of black plumes gloried with the halo of fireshine
The theological-ethical issue is how to step out of this hopeless, self-devouring process, and how to imagine and enact an alternative way in the world.
The title painting shows museum installers attaching a large painting of self-devouring dinosaurs to the wall, everything flattened in cosmic foregrounding.
But the lamb is also associated with a divided, self-devouring family, thus becoming a political allegory of the Spanish Civil War.
(21) And everything else takes on that character: even reading partakes of the model of devouring, when in 'Characteristics' Carlyle finds that 'Literature' is becoming 'one boundless, self-devouring Review' ('Characteristics', p.
Contrived, not made, their music was a self-devouring silence."