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Plasterwork in imitation of ornamental marble, consisting of ground gypsum and glue colored with marble or granite dust.

[Italian, diminutive of scaglia, chip, of Germanic origin; see skel- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Minerals) imitation marble made of glued gypsum with a polished surface of coloured stone or marble dust
[C16: from Italian, diminutive of scaglia chip of marble, of Germanic origin; related to shale, scale2]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"I must work the garden--I must work the garden," I said to myself, five minutes later, as I waited, upstairs, in the long, dusky sala, where the bare scagliola floor gleamed vaguely in a chink of the closed shutters.
For the morning sun fell aslant on the great glass globe with gold fish in it, which stood on a scagliola pillar in front of the ready-spread bachelor breakfast-table, and by the side of this breakfast-table was a group which would have made any room enticing. scagliola? Europe are the municipalities of Acquaviva, Borgo Maggiore and Chiesanuova?
Alessandra di Castro's exemplary display was rewarded by major sales, not least of three monumental Kangxi period white-on-white 'dragoon' vases from the Palazzo Ala Ponzone in Cremona, and an exquisite early 19th-century Roman chest of drawers decorated with scagliola inserts of painted grotesque ornaments (Fig.
It's a tabletop, true enough, but was decorated using a technique called scagliola - Italian for "chips" - but instead of a pattern using costly and time-consuming pieces of marble, the design is created using a type of gypsum plaster mixed with glue.
It's a tabletop, true enough, but it was decorated using a technique called scagliola - Italian for "chips" - but instead of a pattern using costly and time-consuming pieces of marble, the design is created using a type of gypsum plaster mixed with glue.
The grand curved staircase is laden with scagliola (imitation marble) and terrazzo.
Por essa razao, a democracia liberal nao tem como prescindir dos partidos, "sea como expresion del pluralismo politico, como agentes de institucionalizacion del disenso y como actores centrales de la politica electoral, por la que se eligen los representantes democraticos" (Scagliola 2002, 3).
Artima and Corey were probably employed to create theatrical scenes for the King's Company using specialist techniques learned in Italy, including "stucco" work and scagliola. (429) Antonio Brunati (or Brunatti) may well have been quite a different case.
Marchina E, Gambera A, Spinelli E, Clerici P, Scagliola P, Sartori E, et al.
Stef Scagliola's examination of Dutch intellectual and political culture in the face of unprosecuted war crimes is a strong example.