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1. food
2. (of people and sometimes things) scum; rabble,;riff-raff
3. to beg or ask for (food) in a mean or rude manner
4. (intr) dialect to eat voraciously or hungrily
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
New Look Vision is a leader in the eye care industry in Canada with a network of 380 stores operating mainly under the New Look Eyewear, Vogue Optical, Greiche & Scaff and Iris banners and laboratory facilities using state-of-the-art technologies.
Thanks to his contribution the University of Chicago grew into one of the American centres of Weberianism (Scaff 2011, p.
Millennials are understood as digital natives because they are the first truly digital generational cohort (Donnelly and Scaff 2013).
Latresa Scaff and Rochelle Washington were joined by lawyer Gloria Allred when they told their story publicly for the first time.
The women, Latresa Scaff and Rochelle Washington, joined lawyer Gloria Allred at a New York City news conference to tell their story publicly for the first time.
Latresa Scaff, 40, and Rochelle Washington, 39, told journalists in New York they met Kelly at a show's after-party in Baltimore in the 1990s, giving them alcohol and drugs before cornering them in his hotel room and demanding sex.
In addition, in connection with the renewal, SSH's chief digital officer, Simo Karkkulainen will assume the title of chief marketing officer and Joe Scaff, who has been responsible for US Sales and Global Customer Services, will assume the role of chief sales officer.
O Poder Central atua com verdadeira truculencia contra os interesses de Estados e Municipios, exacerbando taxas e contribuicoes sobre a receita, em detrimento dos tributos partilhaveis com os entes subnacionais--IR e IPI (SCAFF, 2005, pp.
I, my 11-year-old daughter MIA, American violinist Joo Young Oh and Ecuadorian performers Jorge Saade and Juan Carlos Escudero have gathered to symbolise peace and love in honour of the 20th Anniversary of the Peace Agreement between Ecuador and Peru." Noted Ecuadorean violinist Jorge Saade Scaff said:"I am happy to be back in Doha to share the happiness with my Ecuadorian community for the 20th anniversary of the Peace treaty."
Hence, the teacher needed a different teaching approach that provided sufficient scaff olding for all students equally.