

(Plants) a type of grass
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10) view that an understanding of monetary policy derives from an understanding of the psychology of financial markets appears in a letter that he wrote to Robert Roosa: [6]
Treasury securities denominated in foreign currencies were issued in 1962-74 ("Roosa" bonds) and in 1978-79 ("Carter" bonds) for $11.1 billion.
Another option is to present separate models based on each reporter's perspective (Tein, Roosa, & Michaels, 1994).
Robert Roosa recalled that "the Federal Reserve has had to rely primarily on experimental probing....
On that flight, Shepard, Edgar Mitchell and Stuart Roosa spent nine days in space; Mitchell and Shepard stayed on the moon for two days.
More recent floras have tabulated the total numbers of families, genera, species, and infraspecies contained in the study [e.g., Iowa (Eilers & Roosa, 1994), Pennsylvania (Rhoads & Klein, 1993), and Chicago (Swink & Wilhelm, 1994)].
Roosa, "An Evaluation of an Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program: Is `Just Say No' Enough?," Family Relations, vol.
This included formation of the Gold Pool in 1961, swaps, Roosa bonds, and moral suasion.
The Rockefeller Foundation, whose president, Richard Lyman, was a Democrat, and whose board contained a generous sampling of multinational Democrats (notably McNamara, Brookings Institution board chair Robert Roosa and Carter's Defense Secretary, Harold Brown) and the few remaining liberal Republicans, instituted a major grant program for research on arms control.
Dr El Baz is surrounded by Apollo Command and Service Module (CSM) pilots, from left: Michael Collins (Apollo 11), Richard Gordon (Apollo 12), Sutart Roosa (Apollo 14) and Alfred Worden (Apollo 15) at a 1994 "Salute to Apollo" in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, USA.
Arrest and Extinguish ALS was started by two first responders with ALS -- Lee, MA Chief of Police, Jeffery Roosa and former Deputy Chief of the Pittsfield, MA Fire Department, Michael Polidoro.