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(Biography) Wayne. born 1985, English footballer; he played for Everton (2002–2004) and plays for Manchester United (from 2004) and England (from 2003)
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Rooney, who made his senior debut for Everton at the age of 16 in August 2002, has won five Premier League titles, two League Cups, three FA Community Shields and the Champions League and FIFA World Cup once with United, who he joined for 25.6 million-pounds in 2004, the report added.
Dubai: Only Wayne Rooney can clarify the situation surrounding his future at Manchester United, but the fact he is not speaks volumes.
Summary: London: Manchester United manager David Moyes will want to talk to Wayne Rooney without any ...
MANCHESTER UNITED: THE Red Devils declared they had "got their trophy back" at the end of the Premier League title-winning parade - but there was no word on whether Wayne Rooney will still be around for the start of their defence.
WAYNE Rooney is sticking to his guns over his wish to leave Manchester United despite David Moyes' appointment as successor to Sir Alex Ferguson.
Rooney's departure to Manchester United was not taken well by Evertonians.
The 82-year-old former Old Trafford boss waded into the simmering row over Wayne Rooney amid reports - denied by the club that the striker was on the brink of being axed by Fergie.
Rooney of Florida's 16th congressional district as its honorary chair.
England star Wayne Rooney reportedly punched another Premiership footballer for asking if his fiancee was up for a "threesome".
WAYNE Rooney's red card against Portugal was the latest in a series of bad-tempered incidents that have appeared throughout his short career.
"It would reflect favorably on China, it would seem to me, for the church to come to the conclusion that it can operate freely there, without some of the baggage that's been attached," Ambassador Francis Rooney told NCR in an exclusive interview Nov.