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Related to robusta: Robusta beans


a. A hardy species of coffee, Coffea canephora, of western Africa, widely cultivated for its commercially valuable seeds, often considered inferior to arabica seeds.
b. The beanlike seed of this plant.
2. The coffee brewed from the seeds of this plant.

[New Latin (Coffea) rōbusta, former species name of Coffea canēphora, from Latin, feminine of rōbustus, strong; see robust.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Plants) a species of coffee tree, Coffea canephora
2. (Plants) coffee or coffee beans obtained from this plant
[from Latin rōbustus strong]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
In pursuit of sustainability, Nestle is actively committed to two agricultural PPPs, namely the NESCAFE Plan which assists Robusta coffee farmers, and supporting sugar farmers through the Responsible Sourcing from Smallholders (RSS) Program.
Robusta coffee prices on ICE recovered on Wednesday after hitting a nine-year low earlier in the session due to sales by Vietnamese exporters who have faced pressure to hedge their produce.
At the recent Specialty Coffee Expo held at the Boston Convention Center in Boston, Massachusetts, the 12 Arabica and 12 Robusta coffee selections that won during the 2019 Philippine Coffee Quality Competition (PCQC) were featured and showcased.
Lightly roasted, it had 60 percent Arabica and 40 percent Robusta. Because of the Robusta, the crema was fluffier and lighter in color but thicker than the 100 percent Arabica extractions.
Curve Coffee offers the following bean variants: Atin Ito (80 percent Benguet arabica, 20 percent Mindanao robusta), Maisog (50 percent arabica, 50 percent premium robusta from Mindanao), Hard Work (100 percent arabica single origin), Atok Benguet, Tuba Benguet, Ampucao Benguet, Bukidnon arabica, and fine robusta from Lake Napalit in Bukidnon.
Mostafa and Partners (AlRehab) for importing Robusta and Arabica Coffee beans from Indonesia.
The E-Commerce Summit, organized by robusta, took place in the Nile Ritz Carlton Hotel, September 26th in Cairo in attendance of H.E.
In the area of coffee adulteration, researchers have developed a new technique to distinguish between superior Arabica coffee and cheaper, lower quality Robusta.
The five plants or plant products present as ingredients of polyherbal preparation were Azadirachta indica, Lawsonia alba, Shorea robusta, Ricinus communis, and Sesamum indicum.
Sumatran coffee already has its famous Gayo and Mandailing variants, and currently Flores coffee also has two variants that people can't seem to get enough of: Manggarai Robusta and Bajawa Arabica.