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(French rɔkaːr)
(Biography) Michel. born 1930, French politician: prime minister of France (1988–91)
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References in periodicals archive ?
[beaucoup moins que]Ce choix s'inscrit dans le cadre d'une nouvelle strategie permettant aux clients AXA dans le monde entier d'avoir la meme qualite de service, en restant toujours connectes avec leur assureur[beaucoup plus grand que], a declare Philippe Rocard, PDG d'AXA Maroc, a l'occasion de lancement de MyAXA.
"Freedom of expression, the separation of powers, and the rule of law have been progressively eroded under Erdoy-an," it was argued in the article titled: "An EU-Turkey Reset." The article was jointly written by Martti Ahtisaari, a former president of Finland and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Emma Bonino, a former Italian foreign minister, Albert Rohan, a former secretary-general of Austria's foreign ministry, Wolfgang Ischinger, chairman of the Munich Security Conference, Hans van den Broek, a former Dutch foreign minister, Marcelino Oreja Aguirre, a former Spanish foreign minister, Michel Rocard, a former French prime minister, and Nathalie Tocci, deputy director of the Istituto Affari Internazionali in Rome.
"For the GCC countries, we see no specific impact at this stage," said Philippe Rocard, CEO of AXA Corporate Solutions, an entity which provides the big-ticket risk covers.
Michel Rocard is a former French prime minister and a former leader of the French Socialist Party.
Il rappellera que, selon un rapport de Rocard, en 1959, [beaucoup moins que]2,5 millions d'Algeriens, soit un tiers de la population rurale, etaient parques dans les camps de regroupement[beaucoup plus grand que].
Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi had also earlier in a meeting with France's former Prime Minister Michel Rocard in Tehran extended his congratulations to the French people on the victory of Francois Hollande in the presidential election.
Michel Rocard is a former prime minister of France and a former leader of the French Socialist Party.
The Independent Commission includes prominent European political personalities such as Martti Ahtisaari, former President of Finland, Michel Rocard, former Prime Minister of France, Hans van den Broek, former Foreign Minister of the Netherlands and European Commissioner, and Emma Bonino, former European Commissioner and current Vice-President of the Italian Senate.
Other members include former French Prime Minister Michel Rocard and former European Commissioner from Italy, Emma Bonino.
During a symposium in Paris about Human Development and Economic Growth, former French Premier Michel Rocard said Morocco was among the countries where social equilibrium and internal financial standing are good.