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Noun1.roadhog - a driver who obstructs others
driver - the operator of a motor vehicle
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[ˈrəʊdhɒg] Nloco(a) m/f del volante
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Ours is such a careful chauffeur, and my husband feels it particularly hard that they should be treated like roadhogs."
The council leader also heard how the authority had purchased a new "Roadhog" - a specialist vehicle to speeds up minor road repairs to reduce disruption.
"Of course they don't stop the determined roadhog but they do help make our roads safer."
Junkrat's rocking the ( MC Hammer "Hammertime" dance, Roadhog is ( dancing the cabbage patch, Mercy is reminding me of all the Bar Mitzvahs I went to with that ( hustle and so many more.
Kotaku reports that this could be due to the fact that Roadhog, the hero he was using, did not require such a broad awareness of his surroundings.
MP Gisela Stuart (Lab, Edgbaston) this week warned that roadhog parents are putting children at risk with their selfish behaviour outside school gates.
Why can't the "spot the thug" helicopter be doing a far more useful community service by hobbling a roadhog by calling in errant behaviour to the catchers below?
Inveterate roadhog Snider offers rough and ready troubadour repartee and colourful, funny and moving slice-of-life vignettes to accompany it.
Gear host Jeremy Clarkson he's not just a roadhog as causes mayhem on the high He swapped supercars for a jet on holiday in Barbados.
Of course they can "request" that some roadhog, who has amassed over 12 penalty points, can hand over their licence.
As we taxied off the runway, tower called, "Roadhog 48, you have smoke coming from the left side of the aircraft."
In addition to working with the Dead, Hunter carved out a career as a solo artist and played with Roadhog and Comfort and other rock bands.