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Noun1.roadbook - a guidebook describing the roads of a country; contains maps and (sometimes) a gazetteer
guidebook, guide - something that offers basic information or instruction
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The firms have already collaborated on a project in 2018 to map all 15,000 miles of Japan's expressways using an earlier version of RoadBook, and because the maps are being continuously updated and added to in almost real-time, these maps can be used in the development of autonomous vehicles.
The real challenge however is interpreting the unfathomable directions provided by the 'roadbook' guide read by your scornful co-driver, which appears to have no relation to the landscape whipping past your windscreen.
of some other kind of compilation (such as a roadbook or dictionary).
The stewards' decision stated: "Car #1 did not go around the elements of the chicane as shown in the roadbook at box 18 of SS22".
Under new regulations, drivers are now not permitted to carry maps in any form (paper, electronic or any other type of support) so crews must therefore rely solely on the roadbook and the GPS system provided by the organisers.
AG2R La Mondiale's Cyril Gautier used the moment to propose to his girlfriend via the medium of a scrawled note on a page torn from the race roadbook, held up for the camera motorbike, while Wanty-Groupe Gobert's Yoann Offredo went up the road alone so he could stop and say hello to friends and family in his hometown on the outskirts of Paris.
Mobileye's Roadbook will be integrated as a data layer in HERE HD Live Map, HERE's real-time cloud service for partially, highly and fully automated vehicles.
MobilEye revealed that it has developed a system which would allow all cars using its technology to effectively map the world and create what Shashua called a "roadbook", a detailed cloud-based map of the entire world, which would be constantly updated in real time and could eventually be used by all car manufacturers.
Apres le controle technique des vehicules des concurrentes et le controle administratif des athletes, le top depart a ete donne d'Alger au stade 5-Juillet, avec une minute d'ecart entre chaque concurrente selon le tirage au sort et suivant l'itineraire du roadbook. Les concurrentes sont parties du stade 5-Juillet en passant par la wilaya de Boumerdes, Bouira (M'Cheddallah, Rafour), Bejaia (Tazmalt, Akbou, El-Kseur, Bejaia-ville, Tichy, Aokas, Melbou), Jijel ( Ziama).
Avec un parcours fleche, ne necessitant pas l'utilisation de roadbook, les organisateurs ont voulu offrir aux competiteurs la possibilite de pouvoir sortir le meilleur d'eux.