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1. A wild or turbulent disturbance created by a large number of people.
2. Law A violent disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons assembled for a common purpose.
3. An unrestrained outbreak, as of laughter or passions.
4. A profusion: The garden was a riot of colors in August.
a. Unrestrained merrymaking; revelry.
b. Debauchery.
6. Slang An irresistibly funny person or thing: Isn't she a riot?
v. ri·ot·ed, ri·ot·ing, ri·ots
1. To take part in a riot.
2. To live wildly or engage in uncontrolled revelry.
To waste (money or time) in wild or wanton living: "rioted his life out, and made an end" (Tennyson).

[Middle English, from Old French, dispute, from rioter, to quarrel, perhaps from ruire, to roar, from Latin rūgīre.]

ri′ot·er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


a. a disturbance made by an unruly mob or (in law) three or more persons; tumult or uproar
b. (as modifier): a riot gun; riot police; a riot shield.
2. boisterous activity; unrestrained revelry
3. an occasion of boisterous merriment
4. slang a person who occasions boisterous merriment
5. a dazzling or arresting display: a riot of colour.
6. (Hunting) hunting the indiscriminate following of any scent by hounds
7. archaic wanton lasciviousness
8. run riot
a. to behave wildly and without restraint
b. (of plants) to grow rankly or profusely
9. (intr) to take part in a riot
10. (intr) to indulge in unrestrained revelry or merriment
11. (foll by: away) to spend (time or money) in wanton or loose living: he has rioted away his life.
[C13: from Old French riote dispute, from ruihoter to quarrel, probably from ruir to make a commotion, from Latin rugīre to roar]
ˈrioter n
ˈrioting n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈraɪ ət)

1. a noisy, violent public disorder caused by a group or crowd of persons.
2. Law. a disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons acting together in a violent or tumultuous manner.
3. violent or wild disorder or confusion.
4. a profuse or unrestrained outpouring, display, etc., as of emotions or phenomena.
5. something or someone hilariously funny: You were a riot at the party.
6. unrestrained revelry.
7. loose, wanton living; profligacy.
8. to take part in a violent public disorder or disturbance.
9. to live in a loose or wanton manner; indulge in unrestrained revelry.
10. to spend (money, time, etc.) in riotous living (usu. fol. by away or out).
run riot, to behave with wild abandon.
[1175–1225; (n.) debauchery, revel < Old French riot(e) debate, quarrel; (v.) Middle English < Old French rihoter, to quarrel]
ri′ot•er, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


 an unrestrained outburst; an uncontrollable company or assemblage of persons, 1400.
Examples: riot of laughter; of Romans, 1400; of students—Madden; of words.
Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: rioted
Gerund: rioting

I riot
you riot
he/she/it riots
we riot
you riot
they riot
I rioted
you rioted
he/she/it rioted
we rioted
you rioted
they rioted
Present Continuous
I am rioting
you are rioting
he/she/it is rioting
we are rioting
you are rioting
they are rioting
Present Perfect
I have rioted
you have rioted
he/she/it has rioted
we have rioted
you have rioted
they have rioted
Past Continuous
I was rioting
you were rioting
he/she/it was rioting
we were rioting
you were rioting
they were rioting
Past Perfect
I had rioted
you had rioted
he/she/it had rioted
we had rioted
you had rioted
they had rioted
I will riot
you will riot
he/she/it will riot
we will riot
you will riot
they will riot
Future Perfect
I will have rioted
you will have rioted
he/she/it will have rioted
we will have rioted
you will have rioted
they will have rioted
Future Continuous
I will be rioting
you will be rioting
he/she/it will be rioting
we will be rioting
you will be rioting
they will be rioting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been rioting
you have been rioting
he/she/it has been rioting
we have been rioting
you have been rioting
they have been rioting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been rioting
you will have been rioting
he/she/it will have been rioting
we will have been rioting
you will have been rioting
they will have been rioting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been rioting
you had been rioting
he/she/it had been rioting
we had been rioting
you had been rioting
they had been rioting
I would riot
you would riot
he/she/it would riot
we would riot
you would riot
they would riot
Past Conditional
I would have rioted
you would have rioted
he/she/it would have rioted
we would have rioted
you would have rioted
they would have rioted
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.riot - a public act of violence by an unruly mobriot - a public act of violence by an unruly mob
violence, force - an act of aggression (as one against a person who resists); "he may accomplish by craft in the long run what he cannot do by force and violence in the short one"
race riot - a riot caused by hatred for one another of members of different races in the same community
2.riot - a state of disorder involving group violenceriot - a state of disorder involving group violence
disorder - a disturbance of the peace or of public order
3.riot - a joke that seems extremely funnyriot - a joke that seems extremely funny  
gag, jape, jest, joke, laugh - a humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter; "he told a very funny joke"; "he knows a million gags"; "thanks for the laugh"; "he laughed unpleasantly at his own jest"; "even a schoolboy's jape is supposed to have some ascertainable point"
4.riot - a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuityriot - a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity
revel, revelry - unrestrained merrymaking
Verb1.riot - take part in a riot; disturb the public peace by engaging in a riot; "Students were rioting everywhere in 1968"
rampage - act violently, recklessly, or destructively
2.riot - engage in boisterous, drunken merrymaking; "They were out carousing last night"
jollify, make happy, make merry, make whoopie, racket, wassail, whoop it up, revel - celebrate noisily, often indulging in drinking; engage in uproarious festivities; "The members of the wedding party made merry all night"; "Let's whoop it up--the boss is gone!"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. disturbance, row, disorder, confusion, turmoil, quarrel, upheaval, fray, strife, uproar, turbulence, commotion, lawlessness, street fighting, tumult, donnybrook, mob violence Twelve inmates have been killed during a riot.
2. display, show, splash, flourish, extravaganza, profusion The garden was a riot of colour.
3. laugh, joke, scream (informal), blast (U.S. slang), hoot (informal), lark It was a riot when I introduced my two cousins!
1. rampage, take to the streets, run riot, run amok, run wild, go on the rampage, fight in the streets, cause an affray, raise an uproar They rioted in protest against the government.
run riot
1. rampage, go wild, be out of control, raise hell, let yourself go, break or cut loose, throw off all restraint Rampaging prisoners ran riot through the jail.
2. grow profusely, burgeon, luxuriate, spread like wildfire, grow like weeds Virginia creeper ran riot up the walls.
"A riot is at bottom the language of the unheard" [Martin Luther King Jr Where Do We Go From Here?]
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. A quarrel, fight, or disturbance marked by very noisy, disorderly, and often violent behavior:
Informal: fracas.
Slang: rumble.
2. Slang. Something or someone uproariously funny or absurd:
Informal: hoot, joke, laugh, scream.
Slang: gas, howl, panic.
verbphrasal verb
riot away
To spend (money) excessively and usually foolishly:
Slang: blow.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
شَغَبشَغَب، صَخَبيُشاغِبُيَقومُ بأعْمال شَغَب
dělat výtržnostipouliční bouřevýtržnosti
gøre oprørlave optøjeroprøroptøjer
taka òátt í uppòotiuppòot
폭동폭동을 일으키다
kelti riaušesriaušininkassiautulingaisiautulingassiautulingumas
robiť výtržnosti
ställa till upploppupplopp
nổi loạnsự náo loạn


A. N
1. (= uprising) → disturbio m, motín m; (in prison) → amotinamiento m, sublevación f
there was nearly a riothubo casi un motín
to put down a riotcontrolar un disturbio
2. (fig) a riot of colourun derroche de color
to run riot (= go out of control) → desmandarse; (= spread) → extenderse por todas partes, cubrirlo todo
to let one's imagination run riotdejar volar la imaginación
3. (fig) (= wild success) → exitazo m
it was a riot!¡fue divertidísimo!, ¡fue la monda!
he's a riot!¡es un tipo desternillante!, ¡te mondas de risa con él!
B. VIamotinarse
C. CPD riot act N to read sb the riot actleerle la cartilla a algn
riot gear Nuniforme m antidisturbios
riot police Npolicía f antidisturbios
riot shield Nescudo m antidisturbios
riot squad N = riot police
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= disturbance) → émeute f
(= profusion) a riot of flavour → une explosion de saveurs
a riot of colour → une débauche de couleurs, une orgie de couleurs
to be a riot (= great fun) [party, holiday] → être génial(e) (= very funny) [comedian, film] → être tordant(e)
vimanifester avec violence
to run riot [people] → se déchaîner; [plants] → proliférer
to let one's imagination run riot → laisser libre cours à son imaginationriot act n
to read sb the riot act [teacher, parent] → faire la leçon à qnriot control nrépression f des émeutesriot-control [ˈraɪətkəntrəʊl] modifantiémeute
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(Pol) → Aufstand m no pl, → Aufruhr m no pl; (by mob, football fans etc) → Krawall m, → Ausschreitungen pl; (fig: = wild occasion) → Orgie f; there’ll be a riot if you announce thatwenn Sie das verkünden, gibt es einen Aufstand; to run riot (people) → randalieren; (vegetation) → wuchern; his imagination runs riotseine Fantasie or Phantasie geht mit ihm durch; ivy had run riot all over the houseEfeu hatte das ganze Haus überwuchert
a riot of colour(s) (Brit) or color(s) (US) → eine Farbenexplosion, eine Farbenorgie; a riot of reds and blueseine Explosion von Rot- und Blautönen; a riot of flowersein wildes Blumenmeer
to be a riot (inf)zum Schießen or Schreien sein (inf)
virandalieren; (= revolt)einen Aufruhr machen


riot act
(Hist) the Riot Actdie Aufruhrakte
(fig) to read somebody the riotjdm die Leviten lesen
riot control
n no plEinsatz mbei Krawallen
adj equipment etcfür den Einsatz bei Krawallen


riot police
riot shield
nSchutzschild m
riot squad
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. ndisordini mpl
a riot of colour(s) → un'orgia di colori
to put down a riot → sopprimere i disordini
to read sb the riot act (fam) → dare una lavata di capo a qn
to run riot (out of control) → scatenarsi
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈraiət) noun
a noisy disturbance created by a usually large group of people. The protest march developed into a riot.
to form or take part in a riot. The protesters were rioting in the street.
ˈrioter noun
ˈriotous adjective
1. starting, or likely to start, a riot. a riotous crowd.
2. very active, noisy and cheerful. a riotous party.
ˈriotously adverb
ˈriotousness noun
run riot
to behave wildly; to go out of control.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


شَغَب, يُشاغِبُ dělat výtržnosti, výtržnosti gøre oprør, oprør Aufruhr, randalieren εξεγείρομαι, εξέγερση causar disturbios, disturbio mellakka, mellakoida émeute, se soulever pobuna, pobuniti insorgere, tumulto 暴動, 暴動を起こす 폭동, 폭동을 일으키다 oproer maken, rel lage opptøyer, opprør bunt, rozniecić bunt distúrbio, provocar distúrbios бунт, бунтовать ställa till upplopp, upplopp ก่อการจลาจล, การจลาจล ayaklanma, başkaldırmak nổi loạn, sự náo loạn 骚乱
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
Now, a minister who gets up a riot against his king -- exposes himself "
Gourville and the abbe set off together, with their heads full of the meditated riot. The superintendent laid himself down upon some cushions, half valiant with respect to the sinister projects of the morrow, half dreaming of love.
"Miss Morland, do not mind what he says; but have the goodness to satisfy me as to this dreadful riot."
The police had broken countless heads with their riot clubs; and the death list had been augmented by the turning loose of a machine-gun on the strikers from the barns of the Marsden Special Delivery Company.
"We don't riot, we're following the orders," declared Karp, and at that moment several voices began speaking together.
And then something happened which almost caused a riot.
There was riot and confusion enough in the treasury, but no violence that I saw.
"Well, sir," said the queen, "what is your opinion of this riot?"
While I was allowing my fancy to run riot in wild conjecture on the possible explanation of the strange anomalies which I had so far met with on Mars, Sola returned bearing both food and drink.
No account of the Gordon Riots having been to my knowledge introduced into any Work of Fiction, and the subject presenting very extraordinary and remarkable features, I was led to project this Tale.
The Nantucketer, he alone resides and riots on the sea; he alone, in Bible language, goes down to it in ships; to and fro ploughing it as his own special plantation.
And sad the hour when all ripe things must pass, For sweetness and decay are of one stem, And sweetness ever riots to decay.