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1. (Hinduism) Hinduism another word for sannyasi
2. (Ecclesiastical Terms) Christianity any religious devotee who renounces earthly pleasures and lives as an ascetic
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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They include citizens of Kazakhstan who did not renunciate citizenship of China for various reasons, he said.
If we restrict the term "tantric Saivism" to the Mantramarga (the Path of Mantras) as distinct from the earlier religions from which it arose, the Atimarga (the Higher or Outer Path) comprising the renunciate orders of the Pasupatas, then the Nisvasa marks a continuity between the two systems.
Recognition of any grace that might potentially have been extended to the renunciate, and thus of any reciprocal obligation to God, would thereby be withdrawn.
It may be thought not, since non-moral goods like pleasure, wealth, political power, and good children, reflect worldly concerns that seems inappropriate for the renunciate. (14) It seems accepted, however, that certain non-moral goods also contribute to the well-being of the renouncer.
Kailas Histories: Renunciate Traditions and the Construction of Himalayan Sacred Geography
Although Ananda's spirituality is based on inner detachment so as to make God the center of personal life, a renunciate order was created in recent years as an aid to deepening inner communion.
After toying for a while with the life of a renunciate, he finally took to politics.
Howell presents Tom's inner moments, like the dialogue throughout the book, without quotation marks, effectively emphasizing Tom's ascetic, renunciate frame of mind.
if the man offering it is overcome by anger (B2, 15.4); one of the secondary vows by renunciate. include not giving way to anger (B2, 18.3); while performing rites to obtain wishes.
(72) bSod nams 'od zer, U rgyan pa'i rnam thar rgyas pa (p.254 lines 10-13): "Many meditators who were renunciate, headed by rDo rje gdan pa mGon po rgyal mtshan, brought these [funds] to rDo rje gdan.
"I think people recognise from the experience of places like Northern Ireland that it is necessary to put military pressure on the Taliban while at the same time holding out the prospect that there can be a political process that can follow, whereby those that are willing to renunciate violence can follow a different path," he said.
Doniger, the Kama Sutra originally stood between two distinct Hindu traditions, one that favored earthy sexuality as spiritual, and the other a "renunciate" group that taught celibacy as religiously superior.