registered disabled

registered disabled

(formerly, in Britain, of a disabled person) adj
1. (Social Welfare) on a local authority register under the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970
2. (Social Welfare) on a register kept by the Manpower Services Commission for employment purposes, and holding a green identity card, thus qualifying for special services
Also: registered handicapped
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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WITH reference to Universal Credit, I'm registered disabled and lost my old system ESA (support group) benefit due to a "change in circumstances" beyond my control.
The association general secretary informed that there were over 5,000 registered disabled persons with the body and most of them were jobless.
The government has decided to provide free wheel chairs to all disable persons, provide free hearing aids to the deaf, free white canes to blind under Ehsaas Programme.National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) registered disabled would be provided Insaf cards for free treatment to self and family upto Rs 720,000 from registered hospitals, she said adding that two percent disabled quota has been reserved in government jobs.
Prices: Adult PS24, concessions (over 65, registered disabled and full-time students) PS16, under-16s PS10, Wheelchair and carer PS16.
Diane, from Kirkby, who is registered disabled due to arthritis in her knees, says she called immediately to inform ScottishPower of the family's problem.
My mother is also registered disabled and has been told by GHA that she is "top of the list" and a priority for a move to another house.
Reviewing the files of the registered disabled is regularly conducted every three years, in line with the law, Al-Awadhi told the press after a meeting for PADA with numerous officials from other public benefit societies, on several issues and complaints related of the disabled.
LAURA Morris, who was registered disabled as a young child because of her speaking problems, has received good GCSE grades and has aspirations to be an archaeologist.
Annual subscription is just PS11, with membership open to those aged 50 and over or registered disabled. Class costs are low but places need to be booked.
The woman, aged in her 50s and registered disabled, was taken to hospital for treatment for facial injuries and shock.

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