registered company

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registered company

nsocietà f inv iscritta all'Ufficio del Registro
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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Brinton has its own registered company in United Kingdom, Ghana & India to strategically cater demand of these continents.
QNA Doha Qatar Central Bank has circulated an 'Enforcement Order', issued by the Enforcement Judge of the Qatar International Court against a non-QFC registered company operating within the State of Qatar, directing all banks in Qatar to comply with the enforcement order.
Qatar International Court The Qatar Central Bank circulated last Sunday an enforcement order issued by the Enforcement Judge of the Qatar International Court against a non-QFC registered company operating within the State of Qatar.
The Category-A Investor Card is granted to non-Jordanian investors, provided that the applicant is a shareholder in a registered company with a stake no less than JD150,000 and the company shall employ 40 Jordanians registered in the social security system.
She said in 2014 her passion for the construction industry got the better of her and she decided to quit her teacher aid job and upgraded her registered company to grade A so that she could now tender for bigger projects.
Sources confirm the sofa was shipped from the airport by a certified and registered company. (@customsgovtkw) CAIRO: Archaeology experts in Kuwait are "almost certain" that a stone coffin lid found smuggled inside a sofa dates back to the time of the Pharaohs.
a registered company in Hubei China by acquiring from the Sellers all outstanding equity interests of Shengrong.
As a direct consequence, the registered company name at Nasdaq OMX Nordic Stockholm will be changed to Beijer Electronics Group AB.
Foreign investors may acquire property rights for buildings and for other immovable assets to be used for their business activities, as well as full ownership rights over construction land through a locally registered company. If the property is expropriated or restricted, rightful compensation of its market value is guaranteed.
Traditionally obtaining a VAT registered company has been time consuming and cumbersome.
A NORTH-EAST eco-friendly home improvement firm is celebrating after becoming a TOP100 Registered Company.

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