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(Journalism & Publishing) a tabloid newspaper characterized by sensationalism
[C20: from the colour of the masthead on these publications]
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References in periodicals archive ?
We can only hope his dimmer petrol-head and red-top fans realise his sophisticated wit is tongue in cheek.
The Dubai Taxi Corporation (DTC) has beefed up its fleet by 300 cabs this year, bringing the total number of red-top taxis in the emirate to 3,854.
Eriksson would not have been fuming or raging or seething or any of the other words a red-top newspaper might have used.
Tabloid-hating Tubs first showed that he's far more of a red-top charmer than he'd like to let on, when he called up newspaper editors and love-bombed them in the aftermath of one of his Late Late interview shams.
But after photos of Mark and a lap dancer appeared in a red-top at the weekend, his attendance won't go unnoticed.
Please stick to reporting the facts and leave the name-calling to the red-top newspapers.
The Association of British Insurers (ABI), which represents major investors, had earlier issued its strongest "red-top" warning ahead of yesterday's annual meeting in Newcastle.
The Association of British Insurers, which represents major investors, recently issued its strongest "red-top" warning ahead of the group's annual meeting in Newcastle later today.
The Association of British Insurers (ABI),which represents major investors, has issued its strongest "red-top" warning a head of the Newcastle-based group's annual meeting on January 16.
Because during the summer, John Carew, right, had turned to hair dye to become a hot-shot with a red-top.
The red-top papers gorged on not just one small picture of the Captain wretching but several.
We compared the results obtained by 4 immunoassays for specimens from 20 adult volunteers collected in red-top Microtainers and Vacutainers during the same venous draw and observed clinically significant differences (8).