Reduced iron

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Related to Reduced iron: folic acid
See under Reduced.
(Chem.) metallic iron obtained through deoxidation of an oxide of iron by exposure to a current of hydrogen or other reducing agent. When hydrogen is used the product is called also iron by hydrogen.

See also: Iron, Reduce

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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He added: "The Rebar industry, in integrated steel plants, goes through four stages: the first stage is reduced iron. Afterwards, they move into the manufacturing phase, which turns them into pure steel, and afterwards into reduced iron again.
JSPL also has the world's first direct reduced iron plant based on high ash coal gasification.
He said this was due to reduced iron in the body, adding that though iron was good, an access of it could damage the arteries, but by donating blood, a person is giving up 250 milligrams of iron.
'The integrated steel manufacturing project has its focal point in mining iron ore, Beneficiating, pelletising and transforming into Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) which is the primary raw material in steel manufacturing.'
In January, Iran brought online its third steel plant which uses domestic technology for production of direct reduced iron (DRI) or sponge iron.
The factory, which spans over 750 feddans, includes seven internal factories -- two factories for melting steel, a light factory, a reduced iron factory and an iron scrap factory, in addition to an oxygen station, which is considered the biggest station in the Middle East to provide self-sustainment for the whole factory.
Dost Steels Limited is engaged in the manufacturing of steel, direct reduced iron, sponge iron, hot briquetted iron, carbon steel, pig iron and special alloy steel in various forms.
Emarat Dzayer Steel Company in Algeria would produce 1.5 million tons per year of directly reduced iron (DRI) and 1 million tons of steel in the form of rails, steel structures and seamless pipes, as per an Emarat Dzayer Group statement.
Scotland Gas Networks plc (BBB/Stable) and Southern Gas Networks plc (BBB/Stable) delivered impressive totex outperformance and significantly reduced iron mains risk in the first two years of RIIO-GD1.
The company's business plan calls for some value-added manufacturing to the potential mine project with the production of hot briquetted iron (HBI), a form of direct reduced iron used in the steel-making process.
The ECC had detailed deliberations on a summary moved by Ministry of Industries for provision of natural gas as feed stock in the direct reduced iron process to Tuwairqi Steel Mills on concessional rates to the tune of Rs.

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