

the practice of driving through residential side streets to avoid congested main roads
ˈrat-ˌrun n
ˈrat-ˌrunner n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"Residents have told us overwhelmingly that they would like a bus lane installed along the road where the inconsiderate rat-running is happening.
Researching on the internet, I found a term, 'rat-running,' referring to motorists using residential roads, side streets, even cemetery roads, to beat traffic congestion.
Abolishing traffic lights at busy junctions can cut delays and rat-running down residential side streets, an experiment has shown.
"It would be almost impossible to stop people rat-running, parking in Torrington Avenue and walking to the store."
On the subject of rat-running and pedestrians, surely a compromise can be reached whereby pedestrians and car users can get where they want to go safely and amicably.
Councillor Eric Empson, cabinet member for strategic planning, development and infrastructure, said: "The council, in partnership with local residents, is looking to improve highway safety by introducing a road closure on Shakespeare Avenue to prevent the rat-running problem occurring with unregistered motorbikes.
The "sub-regional" study claims a tax-neutral road user charging scheme, as proposed by the Government earlier this summer, would only reduce traffic levels by five per cent and is likely to encourage rat-running through residential streets.
'What is needed is some measures to restrict rat-running through the narrower streets leading into Rhiwbina.'
Julie Samson, coordinator of Transport 2000's Street For People initiative, said: ``What this competition has done is to show that residents in many places aredesperatefor help to solve rat-running.
Julie Samson, co-ordinator of Transport 2000's Street For People initiative, said: ``This shows that residents in many places are desperate for help to solve rat-running.
Torrington Avenue would be widened to two lanes in each direction for the 60 metres, with traffic islands and a small central reservation put in to dissuade drivers from rat-running further up Torrington Avenue.
The traffic congestion is not as bad asmany have made out but the rat-running in the side streets is a real problem.