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(ˈraːtskɛlər) or


1. the cellar of a town hall, esp one used as a beer hall or restaurant
2. any similar establishment, esp in the US
[German: from Rat(haus) town hall + Keller cellar]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Among the most famous is traditional Munich restaurant Ratskeller, located in the cellar area of the new town hall.
There is an inscription in the Ratskeller in Gottingen which reads: Extra Gottingam non est vita ("Outside Gottingen there is no life").
Just before our sausage platter at the highly rated Ratskeller, we joined the hordes in the Marienplatz central square outside City Hall, with its Glockenspiel, a carillon with 32 life-sized mechanical figures that reenact historical Bavarian events at 11am and noon.
Lunch was at the famous Ratskeller restaurant which opened its doors in 1874 and is now a favourite of Munich's movers and shakers.
We went to Worcester to the old QVCC, and all the way out to Boston for Sunday matinees at the Ratskeller. It was a wonderful time of musical and geographical exploration for me.
DINNER: Restaurant Ratskeller, Maximilianstrasse 12, 67346 Speyer, Tel: +49 (0)6232 78612, ratskeller-speyer.de ROOM: NH Hotel Weinheim, Breslauer Strasse 52, 69469 Weinheim, Tel: +49 (0)6201 1030, nh-hotels.de MESSEL FOSSIL PIT IF we're looking for the past let's go the whole way.
Its courtyard is the home of the Ratskeller Munchen restaurant, which serves traditional Bavarian dishes.
For lunch head to Ratskeller am Marienplatz (+49 89 219 9890), a traditional Bavarian beer cellar and restaurant.
A perfect place to sample Bavarian cuisine is the Ratskeller, a labyrinthine restaurant beneath the Neues Rathaus in Marienplatz.
AWARD-WINNING restaurant Ratskeller Piwinica Rajcuw is worth a visit if only for its location in the cellars under Artus Court, a historic meeting house near the fountain on Long Market.
He was about to go in when something made him divert to the nearby Ratskeller. And it wasn't the idea of alcohol.