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a pen for drawing the five lines of a musical stave simultaneously
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RHIZORIDAE Volvulella cylindrica SCAPHANDRIDAE Scaphander cylindrellus TROCHIDAE Solariella nuda Solariella peramabilis Agathistoma corteziana Agathistoma eiseni TURBINIDAE Panocochlea rubidum Pomaulax gibberosus TURRITELLIDAE Turritella nodulosa VERMETIDAE Serpulorbis squamigerusus MOLLUSCA, BIVALVIA ARCIDAE Anadara grandis CARDIIDAE Cardium rastrum Cardium sp.
Fallows uses the presence of the frame-rule and the consistently parallel and equidistant staves to suggest that a rastrum was not used; in its place, the scribe may have used a fixed frame with five parallel bars.
The only exception is Diplosoma spp., which has evolved a unique organ called the rastrum to collect photosymbionts from the common cloaca!
In between gatherings 19 and 20 (i.e., preceding the duet 'Sweet peace') is found an insertion of fourteen leaves on different paper ruled with a different rastrum and in the hand of S5 containing the chorus 'Happy nation' (not printed in the original libretto), at the end of which is written 'Finis'.(27) The remaining leaves of the score (gatherings 20-24, including the duet, recitative and final chorus) were sewn together (they have holes in the outer margins complete with remainders of thread), and it is clear that for at least one performance Smith chose to end Gideon with the newly inserted chorus.
His highly expert codicological analysis of the volumes falls down on only one point, albeit minor: the staff lines in both manuscripts show every sign (even in the facsimile) of having been printed rather than ruled, with or without the aid of a rastrum, Apart from the fact that this facsimile completes the publication of the extant works of the mysterious lutenist `Mr du Fresneua', who, frankly, seems competent rather than a composer of importance (the rest appears in the Goess Ms.
Best devotes forty pages to this subject in the Critical Report, offering a complete survey of twenty different types of paper, watermarks, and rastrum styles.
The watermarks and rastrum rulings of the paper suggest that the score originated c.
There are ten staves on each page, hand-drawn with a rastrum. This is an unusual format for a harpsichord manuscript (although the Bauyn Manuscript uses it on a much grander scale).
If UBC's autograph was indeed given to someone in Paris on 27 November after a performance by himself and his son chez Polignac, I doubt that Stravinsky (or anyone else) sat down in her salon, cut out his photograph from a newspaper interview, glued it to a piece of his own notepaper, ruled staff lines with his rastrum, wrote the fugue theme, and then dated it.
A340 are freely ruled with a five-pin rastrum.(28) The quality of ruling in both choirbooks varies from one stave to the next, but this seems to be the result of loose or defective quills.
There are eight staves per page ruled with a four-staff rastrum with a span of 79.5 mm anti a profile of 10 (12.5)11(12.5)11(12)10.5.
Those seeking information get an explanation of the word "rastrum"; music-theory buffs, a mention of French sixths; and knowing camp-followers in the musicological wars, a rapier-thrust at Milton Babbitt ("the mandarin, Miltonian position" [p.