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Related to Rastafari: Bob Marley, Marcus Garvey


1. (Peoples) a Rastafarian
2. (Other Non-Christian Religions) the Rastafarian movement or religion
pl n
(Peoples) the rastafari Rastafarians collectively
(Other Non-Christian Religions) of or relating to the Rastafarian religious movement
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Rastafari - (Jamaica) a Black youth subculture and religious movement that arose in the ghettos of Kingston, Jamaica, in the 1950s; males grow hair in long dreadlocks and wear woolen caps; use marijuana and listen to reggae music
cult - followers of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices
youth subculture - a minority youth culture whose distinctiveness depended largely on the social class and ethnic background of its members; often characterized by its adoption of a particular music genre
Jamaica - a country on the island of Jamaica; became independent of England in 1962; much poverty; the major industry is tourism
Rasta, Rastafarian - follower of Rastafarianism
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Daraliay, 10, dominated the san lu quan, jian shu and qiang shu female taolu (form) events to dedicate her feat to her late brother, former national team member Rastafari, who died at age 11 from a freak accident at the Rizal Memorial Sports Complex dormitory last October.
Fellow Labour MP David Lammy seemed to make light of her supping on a train in her North London consistency, tweeting: "Jah Rastafari! Why was the rum not Jamaican?" Another Twitter follower advised her to "put it in a water bottle next time".
Few reggae songs have received serious orthographic treatment, analysis of their lexical content, or close readings of their meanings in relation to the sources of Rastafari. The task is worthwhile because reggae songs provide a widely celebrated peoples' critique of colonial legacies.
class="MsoNormalIn the Diaspora, the Ethiopian influence is seen especially in the Caribbean, and now international, Rastafarian Movement, whose symbol is the late Haile Selassie (Rastafari), Emperor of Ethiopia, the spiritual home of the "Rastas".
Also to be honored with the same award are basketball's Johnny Revilla, Jerome Cueto, Joey Mente and Ulysses Tanigue, basketball coach Jun Tiongco, college player Rutger Acidre, former boxing association president Roilo Golez, sportswriter and broadcaster Barry Pascua and Rolly Manlapaz, volleyball player Maria Josefina Referente-Palad, and young wushu training pool member Rastafari Daraliay.
Olivier identified "as a rapidly growing and exclusive group, who practise strict Old Testament Mosaic Rituals and Laws" within Rastafari. (2) Rastafari started in Jamaica as an anticolonial Afrocentric spiritual and philosophical movement among the island's underprivileged people of African descent in the 1930s.
Synopsis: "Revolutionary Threads: Rastafari, Social Justice, and Cooperative Economics" offers an American Rasta's retelling of episodes in American history with an anticolonial thrust, accented by Bobby Sullivan's own personal experiences.
According to Rastafari, the visitors touring the exhibition have welcomed the Iranian organization's achievements in the medical equipment sector and have called for increased cooperation in the field.
Last Saturday morning, an 11-year-old wushu athlete, Rastafari Daraliay, died from a freak accident, when he fell from the top bunk as he slept at around 3 a.m.
Philippine Sports Commission Chair Butch Ramirez said they would prioritize the renovation of the athletes' dormitories following the death on Saturday of Rastafari Daraliay, an 11-year-old wushu pool athlete who succumbed to head injuries following his fall off a double-decker bed inside the wushu team quarters at RMSC.
The 10 Belgium; 9 Voltaire; 8 Rastafari; 7 Thames; The 6 Armstrong; Neil 5 Zimbabwe; 4 French; 3 Twickenham; 2 Rudimental; 1 Quiz: countries.