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a. A short forceful exhalation of breath.
b. A short sudden gust of wind.
c. A brief sudden emission of air, vapor, or smoke.
d. A short sibilant sound produced by a puff.
2. An amount of vapor, smoke, or similar material released in a puff.
3. An act of drawing in and expelling the breath, as in smoking tobacco.
4. A swelling or rounded protuberance.
5. Puff pastry.
6. A light soft pad for applying powder or lotion.
7. A gathered, protruding portion of fabric.
8. A light padded bed covering.
a. An approving or flattering recommendation.
b. A piece of writing, as on the jacket of a book, containing often exaggerated praise, used for promotional purposes.
10. Genetics A localized region of swelling in certain chromosomes indicating the active synthesis of RNA.
v. puffed, puff·ing, puffs
1. To blow in puffs.
2. To come forth in puffs: steam puffing from an engine.
3. To breathe forcefully and rapidly: huffed and puffed up the stairs.
4. To emit puffs.
5. To take puffs on smoking material: puffing on a cigar.
6. To swell or seem to swell, as with pride or air. Often used with up: He puffed up and glared at the importuning questioner.
1. To emit or give forth in puffs.
2. To impel with puffs.
3. To smoke (a cigar, for example).
4. To inflate or distend: The wind puffed out the sail.
5. To fill with pride or conceit: The compliment puffed up his ego.
6. To publicize with often exaggerated praise: publishers who puff their new books.

[From Middle English puffen, to puff, from Old English pyffan, perhaps of imitative origin.]

puff′i·ly adv.
puff′i·ness n.
puff′y adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. a short quick draught, gust, or emission, as of wind, smoke, air, etc, esp a forceful one
2. the amount of wind, smoke, etc, released in a puff
3. the sound made by or associated with a puff
4. (Physiology) an instance of inhaling and expelling the breath as in smoking
5. a swelling
6. (Cookery) a light aerated pastry usually filled with cream, jam, etc
7. (Clothing & Fashion) a powder puff
8. (Marketing) exaggerated praise, as of a book, product, etc, esp through an advertisement
9. (Clothing & Fashion) a piece of clothing fabric gathered up so as to bulge in the centre while being held together at the edges
10. (Hairdressing & Grooming) a loose piece of hair wound into a cylindrical roll, usually over a pad, and pinned in place in a coiffure
11. (Knitting & Sewing) a less common word for quilt1
12. (Physiology) one's breath (esp in the phrase out of puff)
13. slang offensive a male homosexual
14. (Plants) a dialect word for puffball
15. (Physiology) to blow or breathe or cause to blow or breathe in short quick draughts or blasts
16. (Physiology) (tr; often foll by out; usually passive) to cause to be out of breath
17. (Physiology) to take puffs or draws at (a cigarette, cigar, or pipe)
18. to move with or by the emission of puffs: the steam train puffed up the incline.
19. (often foll by: up, out, etc) to swell, as with air, pride, etc
20. (Marketing) (tr) to praise with exaggerated empty words, often in advertising
21. (Clothing & Fashion) (tr) to apply (cosmetic powder) from a powder puff to (the face)
22. (Commerce) to increase the price of (a lot in an auction) artificially by having an accomplice make false bids
[Old English pyffan; related to Dutch German puffen, Swiss pfuffen, Norwegian puffa, all of imitative origin]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. a short, quick blast or emission of air, smoke, vapor, etc.
2. a small emission of vapor, smoke, etc.
3. the sound of an emission of vapor, smoke, etc.
4. an act of inhaling and exhaling, as on a cigarette or pipe; whiff.
5. an inflated or distended part of a thing; swelling; protuberance.
6. a ball of light pastry baked and filled with whipped cream, jam, etc.
7. a portion of material gathered and held down at the edges but left full in the middle, as on a sleeve.
8. a cylindrical roll of hair.
9. a quilted bed covering, usu. filled with down.
10. a commendation, esp. an exaggerated one, of a book, an actor's performance, etc.
12. a ball or pad of soft material.
13. to blow with short, quick blasts, as the wind.
14. to be emitted in a puff.
15. to emit a puff or puffs of air; breathe quick and hard.
16. to emit puffs of vapor or smoke.
17. to go or move with puffing or puffs: The train puffed into the station.
18. to take puffs at a cigar, cigarette, etc.
19. to become inflated or distended (usu. fol. by up).
20. to send forth (air, vapor, etc.) in short, quick blasts.
21. to drive or impel by puffing, or with a short, quick blast.
22. to smoke (a cigar, cigarette, etc.).
23. to inflate or distend, esp. with air.
24. to make fluffy; fluff (often fol. by up): to puff up a pillow.
25. to inflate with pride, vanity, etc. (often fol. by up): Their applause puffed him up.
26. to praise unduly.
27. to arrange in puffs, as the hair.
[1175–1225; (v.) Middle English puffen (compare Middle Dutch puffen, Low German pof, puf); (n.) Middle English puf, puffe; of imitative orig.]
puff′y, adj. puff•i•er, puff•i•est.
puff′i•ly, adv.
puff′i•ness, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


 a small quantity emitted in a blast.
Examples: puff of breath, 1667; of smoke, 1839; of vapour, 1869; of wind, 1400.
Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: puffed
Gerund: puffing

I puff
you puff
he/she/it puffs
we puff
you puff
they puff
I puffed
you puffed
he/she/it puffed
we puffed
you puffed
they puffed
Present Continuous
I am puffing
you are puffing
he/she/it is puffing
we are puffing
you are puffing
they are puffing
Present Perfect
I have puffed
you have puffed
he/she/it has puffed
we have puffed
you have puffed
they have puffed
Past Continuous
I was puffing
you were puffing
he/she/it was puffing
we were puffing
you were puffing
they were puffing
Past Perfect
I had puffed
you had puffed
he/she/it had puffed
we had puffed
you had puffed
they had puffed
I will puff
you will puff
he/she/it will puff
we will puff
you will puff
they will puff
Future Perfect
I will have puffed
you will have puffed
he/she/it will have puffed
we will have puffed
you will have puffed
they will have puffed
Future Continuous
I will be puffing
you will be puffing
he/she/it will be puffing
we will be puffing
you will be puffing
they will be puffing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been puffing
you have been puffing
he/she/it has been puffing
we have been puffing
you have been puffing
they have been puffing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been puffing
you will have been puffing
he/she/it will have been puffing
we will have been puffing
you will have been puffing
they will have been puffing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been puffing
you had been puffing
he/she/it had been puffing
we had been puffing
you had been puffing
they had been puffing
I would puff
you would puff
he/she/it would puff
we would puff
you would puff
they would puff
Past Conditional
I would have puffed
you would have puffed
he/she/it would have puffed
we would have puffed
you would have puffed
they would have puffed
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.puff - a short light gust of airpuff - a short light gust of air    
gust, blast, blow - a strong current of air; "the tree was bent almost double by the gust"
2.puff - a light inflated pastry or puff shell
pastry - any of various baked foods made of dough or batter
cream puff, chou - puff filled with cream or custard
3.puff - exaggerated praise (as for promotional purposes)
good word, recommendation, testimonial - something that recommends (or expresses commendation of) a person or thing as worthy or desirable
4.puff - bedding made of two layers of cloth filled with stuffing and stitched togetherpuff - bedding made of two layers of cloth filled with stuffing and stitched together
bed clothing, bedclothes, bedding - coverings that are used on a bed
continental quilt, duvet, eiderdown - a soft quilt usually filled with the down of the eider
patchwork quilt, patchwork - a quilt made by sewing patches of different materials together
5.puff - a soft spherical object made from fluffy fibers; for applying powder to the skin
pad - a flat mass of soft material used for protection, stuffing, or comfort
6.puff - thick cushion used as a seat
seat - furniture that is designed for sitting on; "there were not enough seats for all the guests"
7.puff - a slow inhalation (as of tobacco smoke); "he took a puff on his pipe"; "he took a drag on his cigarette and expelled the smoke slowly"
smoking, smoke - the act of smoking tobacco or other substances; "he went outside for a smoke"; "smoking stinks"
breathing in, inhalation, intake, aspiration, inspiration - the act of inhaling; the drawing in of air (or other gases) as in breathing
toke - a puff of a marijuana or hashish cigarette; "the boys took a few tokes on a joint"
8.puff - forceful exhalation through the nose or mouth; "he gave his nose a loud blow"; "he blew out all the candles with a single puff"
breathing out, exhalation, expiration - the act of expelling air from the lungs
insufflation - an act of blowing or breathing on or into something
Verb1.puff - smoke and exhale strongly; "puff a cigar"; "whiff a pipe"
smoke - inhale and exhale smoke from cigarettes, cigars, pipes; "We never smoked marijuana"; "Do you smoke?"
2.puff - suck in or take (air); "draw a deep breath"; "draw on a cigarette"
breathe in, inhale, inspire - draw in (air); "Inhale deeply"; "inhale the fresh mountain air"; "The patient has trouble inspiring"; "The lung cancer patient cannot inspire air very well"
3.puff - breathe noisily, as when one is exhausted; "The runners reached the finish line, panting heavily"
blow - exhale hard; "blow on the soup to cool it down"
4.puff - make proud or conceited; "The sudden fame puffed her ego"
elate, intoxicate, uplift, lift up, pick up - fill with high spirits; fill with optimism; "Music can uplift your spirits"
5.puff - praise extravagantly; "The critics puffed up this Broadway production"
praise - express approval of; "The parents praised their children for their academic performance"
6.puff - speak in a blustering or scornful manner; "A puffing kind of man"
7.puff - to swell or cause to enlarge, "Her faced puffed up from the drugs"; "puffed out chests"
swell up, tumesce, tumefy, intumesce, swell - expand abnormally; "The bellies of the starving children are swelling"
8.puff - blow hard and loudly; "he huffed and puffed as he made his way up the mountain"
blow - exhale hard; "blow on the soup to cool it down"
Adj.1.puff - gathered for protruding fullness; "puff sleeves"
fancy - not plain; decorative or ornamented; "fancy handwriting"; "fancy clothes"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. smoke, draw, drag (slang), suck, inhale, pull at or on He gave a wry smile as he puffed on his cigarette.
2. breathe heavily, pant, exhale, blow, gasp, gulp, wheeze, fight for breath, puff and pant I could see he was unfit, because he was puffing.
3. promote, push, plug (informal), hype, publicize, advertise, praise, crack up (informal), big up (slang, chiefly Caribbean), overpraise TV correspondents puffing the new digital channels
1. drag, pull (slang), moke She was taking quick puffs at her cigarette.
2. blast, breath, flurry, whiff, draught, gust, emanation an occasional puff of air stirring the brittle leaves
3. advertisement, ad (informal), promotion, plug (informal), good word, commendation, sales talk, namecheck, favourable mention, piece of publicity an elaborate puff for his magazine
puff out or up swell, expand, enlarge, inflate, dilate, distend, bloat His chest puffed out with pride.
puff something out or up expand, inflate, stick out, dilate, distend He puffed out his cheeks and let out his breath.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


An inhalation, as of a cigar, pipe, or cigarette:
Slang: hit.
1. To be in a state of motion, as air:
2. To breathe hard:
3. To increase or seek to increase the importance or reputation of by favorable publicity:
Informal: plug.
Slang: hype.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
أي شَيْ مَنْفوخ، قُرْص البودْرَهنَفْخَه، هَبَّهيَتَنَفَّس بِصُعوبَهيَنْفُخ، يَنْفُث
hviîa, gusturmásapúapúîurkvasti; púffermar
elst, elsotkamoliņškrokotskuplspūderslotiņa
prudko dýchať
esintiponponpufpüfürtüsoluk soluğa kalmak


A. N
1. [of breathing, engine] → resoplido m; [of air] → soplo m; [of wind] → racha f, ráfaga f; [of smoke] → bocanada f; (on cigarette, pipe) → chupada f
I'm out of puffestoy sin aliento
2. (= powder puff) → borla f
3. (Culin) cream puffpetisú m, pastel m de crema
4. (= advert) → bombo m
5. (Drugs) → canabis m
1. (= blow) → soplar; [+ pipe etc] → chupar
to puff smokeechar bocanadas de humo
to puff smoke in sb's faceechar humo a la cara de algn
2. (also puff up) (= inflate) → hinchar, inflar (LAm)
1. (= breathe heavily) → jadear, resoplar
to puff (away) at or on one's pipechupar la pipa
2. the train puffed into/out of the stationel tren entró en/salió de la estación echando humo
D. CPD puff adder Nvíbora f puff
puff paste N (US) = puff pastry puff pastry Nhojaldre m
puff sleeves NPLmangas fpl filipinas
puff along VI + ADV [train] → avanzar bufando; [person] → correr jadeando
puff away VI + ADV
see puff C
puff out VT + ADV
1. [+ smoke etc] → echar, arrojar, despedir
2. [+ cheeks, chest, sails] → hinchar, inflar (LAm); [+ feathers] → erizar
puff up
1. (= inflate) [+ tyre etc] → hinchar, inflar (LAm)
2. = puff out 2
3. (fig) → dar bombo a
to puff o.s. updarse bombo, engreírse
B. VI + ADVhincharse
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[air] → bouffée f; [smoke] → bouffée f
to take a puff (on cigarette, pipe)tirer une bouffée
She was taking quick puffs at her cigarette → Elle tirait de petites bouffées de cigarette.
(= gasp)
Her breath came in puffs and gasps → Elle haletait., Elle avait le souffle court.
to puff one's pipe → tirer sur sa pipe
to puff smoke → envoyer des bouffées de fumée
(= pant) → haleter
[smoke] → sortir par bouffées
to puff on sth, to puff at sth [+ cigarette, pipe] → tirer sur qch
puff out
vt sep
[+ sails] → gonfler
[+ cheeks] → gonfler
to puff out one's chest → gonfler sa poitrine; (with pride)bomber le torse
to puff out smoke → envoyer des bouffées de fumée
vi [smoke] → sortir par boufféespuffa jacket [ˈpʌfədʒækɪt] ndoudoune f
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(of breathing, of engine)Schnaufen nt no pl; (of horse)Schnauben nt no pl; (inf: = breath) → Puste f (inf); (on cigarette etc) → Zug m (→ at, of an +dat); a puff of air/windein Luft-/Windstoß m; a puff of smokeeine Rauchwolke; our hopes vanished in a puff of smokeunsere Hoffnungen lösten sich in nichts auf; he blew out the candles with or in one puffer blies die Kerzen auf einmal aus; to be out of puff (Brit inf) → außer Puste sein (inf)
(= powder puff)Quaste f
(Cook) cream puffWindbeutel m; jam puffBlätterteigteilchen ntmit Marmelade
smokeausstoßen; (person) → blasen; cigarette, cigarpaffen (inf); to puff something awayetw wegblasen; stop puffing smoke in my faceblas mir nicht dauernd den Rauch ins Gesicht
(Sew) → bauschen; puffed sleevesPuffärmel pl
(Cook) to puff ricePuffreis mherstellen
vi (person, train)schnaufen; (horse)schnauben; (wind)blasen; (chimney, smoke)qualmen; he was puffing and pantinger pustete und schnaufte; the train puffed into the stationder Zug fuhr schnaufend in den Bahnhof ein; to puff (away) at or on a cigaran einer Zigarre paffen


puff adder
nPuffotter f
n (Bot) → Bovist m


puff pastry, (US) puff paste
nBlätterteig m
n (baby-talk) (= train)Puffpuff f (baby-talk); (= sound)Puffpuff nt
puff sleeve
nPuffärmel m
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. n
a. (of breath) → soffio; (of engine) → sbuffare m; (of air, wind) → folata, soffio; (of smoke) → sbuffo; (of cigarette) → tiro, boccata
I'm out of puff (fam) → sono senza fiato
b. (powder puff) → piumino della cipria
c. (Culin) cream puffsfogliatina alla panna
2. vt
a. to puff (out) smokemandar fuori fumo
b. (also puff out) (sails, cheeks) → gonfiare
his face was all puffed up → la sua faccia era tutta gonfia
3. vi (breathe heavily) → ansimare; (blow) → soffiare
the train puffed into the station → il treno entrò sbuffando in stazione
to puff (away) at or on one's pipe → tirare boccate di fumo dalla pipa
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(paf) noun
1. a small blast of air, wind etc; a gust. A puff of wind moved the branches.
2. any of various kinds of soft, round, light or hollow objects. a powder puff; (also adjective) puff sleeves.
1. to blow in small blasts. Stop puffing cigarette smoke into my face!; He puffed at his pipe.
2. to breathe quickly, after running etc. He was puffing as he climbed the stairs.
puffed adjective
short of breath; breathing quickly. I'm puffed after running so fast!
ˈpuffy adjective
swollen, especially unhealthily. a puffy face/ankle.
puff pastry
a light, flaky type of pastry.
puff out
to cause to swell or expand. The bird puffed out its feathers; He puffed out his cheeks.
puff up
to swell. Her eye (was all) puffed up after the wasp stung her.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


n (fam, of an inhaler) inhalación f
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Indeed, the great difficulty will be at once got over, if we can only bring ourselves to believe that, as soon as the old dame bade him puff, there came a whiff of smoke from the scarecrow's mouth.
Thus threatened, the unhappy scarecrow had nothing for it but to puff away for dear life.
"A puff o' wind 'ud make 'em blow about like feathers," Kezia the housemaid said, feeling proud to live under a mistress who could make such pastry; so that no season or circumstances could have been more propitious for a family party, even if it had not been advisable to consult sister Glegg and sister Pullet about Tom's going to school.
A sudden puff of wind blew off his hat and wig, at which a loud laugh rang forth from his companions.
Yet heavier far than your Petrarchan stuff- Owl-downy nonsense that the faintest puff Twirls into trunk-paper the while you con it." And, veritably, Sol is right enough.
Soon I proposed a social smoke; and, producing his pouch and tomahawk, he quietly offered me a puff. And then we sat exchanging puffs from that wild pipe of his, and keeping it regularly passing between us.
Mounting his horse again Prince Andrew lingered with the battery, looking at the puff from the gun that had sent the ball.
"But I'd be ever so much gratefuller if--if you'd made just one of them with puffed sleeves.
The man puffed his pipe calmly and put his great mudded boots on the back part of the stove.
Suddenly there was a flash of light, and a quantity of luminous greenish smoke came out of the pit in three distinct puffs, which drove up, one after the other, straight into the still air.
Johnny Dooit puffed his pipe and looked carefully at the dreadful desert in front of them--stretching so far away they could not see its end.
Pontellier reached over for a palm-leaf fan that lay on the porch and began to fan herself, while Robert sent between his lips light puffs from his cigarette.