pudding club

pudding club

(Gynaecology & Obstetrics) slang the state of being pregnant (esp in the phrase in the pudding club)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The highlight of this year's events will be the 'Fairtrade Pudding Club' on Thursday evening in Pontio, where for just PS5 a ticket customers will enjoy a Fairtrade hot drink with a trio of fantastic Fairtrade puddings made by chef David Sharpe.
Follow on Twitter @JESFOODMKT The Great Durham Pudding Club THIS, at 6.30pm on Thursday, February 8, is the first in a series of quarterly dining experiences at the Undercroft Restaurant, Durham Cathedral.
SWEET TREATS Pudding Club Fancy having a go at a few puddings in one sitting?
Milly Johnson is the best-selling, owl-loving, marzipan-hating author of The Yorkshire Pudding Club and will be discussing her latest page-turner, The Queen of Wishful Thinking.
You spend two nights there and your base is the Three Ways House hotel, famed for being home to the Pudding Club, a slightly eccentric institution that aims to preserve the Great British pud through weekly meetings.
It has a post office, general store, traditional butcher and two pubs along with the Three Ways Hotel which is home of the world famous Pudding Club.
The new range of 'Pudding Club' flavours arc inspired by quintessentially English dishes such as Eton Mess, Banana and Custard, Apple Pie, Sticky Toffee Pudding, Lemon Meringue Pic and Strawberry Cheesecake.
Debbie with Pete Barton In the pudding club Coronation Street STV For a man who has easily managed to deceive wife Carla since passionately kissing Tina on his wedding day three months ago, all Peter had to do was say four simple words to his secret lover last week.
TUCKING into a traditional English pud at the Cotswold home of The Pudding Club has been named seventh in VisitEngland's list of 101 Things To Do Before Going Abroad.
7 Indulge with The Pudding Club - where all you eat is pudding - in the Cotswolds.
A We have several, for example we do a pudding club every 6 weeks Friday night is locals night, Sun has fantasy football and we have street parties for the whole village to join in with live music.