pudding basin

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pudding basin

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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Tolstyakov, a friend of mine, is always obliged to take off his pudding basin when he goes into any public place where other people wear their hats or caps.
Ingredients For the pudding: 150g unrefined light muscovado sugar 110g butter, plus a little extra for greasing Two medium free-range eggs Two tsp vanilla extract 120g self-raising flour 120ml milk 180g white chocolate buttons (or finely chopped) For the blueberry compote: Two punnets of blueberries One tsp caster sugar The juice of a lemon Extras: An 800-900ml pudding basin A steamer or deep casserole dish Baking parchment and foil Kitchen string Method To make the compote: Gently heat the blueberries, sugar and lemon juice in a non-reactive pan.
I read recently that one well-known footballer was paying PS200 a time for a haircut that my father would do, with equal skill, on my brother and me - towel round our shoulders, sat on a stool in the back yard on a January morning with a pudding basin, manual clippers and kitchen scissors!
I read recently that one very well known footballer was paying PS200 a time for a haircut that my father would do, with equal skill, on my brother and me - towel round our shoulders, sat on a stool in the back yard on a January morning with a crock pudding basin, manual clippers and kitchen scissors!
You will need a 1.2litre (2 pint) pudding basin lined with clingfilm.
Spoon 4 tbsp into the base of a lightly buttered, traditional 1.2 litre pudding basin. Leave the rest to cool, stirring occasionally.
Pour into a pudding basin and bake at 175o degrees C/350o F/ Gas Mark 3.5 for 25 to 30 minutes.