

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Rainer added: "I would like to thank Andrew for his leadership and vision over the past few years and I'm pleased to continue his work by steering Eat through the next stage as we integrate with Pret.
"The acquisition of the Eat estate is a wonderful opportunity to turbocharge the development of Veggie Pret."
He is writing to Environment Secretary Michael Gove about whether rules more suited to small cafes should apply to firms like Pret.
The Manchester shop will be the chain's fourth Veggie Pret. Bosses say they chose the city by popular demand on social media.
Clive Schlee tweeted: "Today is a big day for Pret. As we welcome JAB, we'll be thanking the people who really matter by giving each of our 12,000 employees PS1,000 when the deal completes."
Pret chief executive Clive Schlee said: "This is a day of celebration at Pret.
Clive Schlee, chief executive of Pret, tweeted: "Today is a big day for Pret. As we welcome JAB, we'll be thanking the people who really matter by giving each of our 12,000 employees [pounds sterling]1,000 when the deal completes."
Pour cela, il devra en informer le preteur et l'AMMC, selon les modalites fixees par cette derniere.Globalement, toute operation de pret de titres doit etre garantie par la constitution par l'emprunteur de garanties financieres, notamment en termes de decotes appropriees sur les actifs remis en garantie, tenant compte de la perte de valeur que ces actifs pourraient subir pendant la periode du pret. Cependant, les operations de pret de titres entre les entites d'un meme groupe ne sont pas soumises a l'obligation de constitution de garantie lorsqu'elles remplissent les conditions fixees par l'Administration sur proposition de l'AMMC.
This bespoke Ideas Pret collection showcases both the embroidery techniques of their formal collections and the exceptional digital printing that is the hallmark of their everyday pret.
Chief executive Clive Schlee said: "These results represent another year of record sales for Pret.