

to sweeten in advance
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oat bran, wheat germ); loaf-type whole grain bread and plain rolls; other whole grain breads (quick breads, corn muffins, tortillas); whole grain crackers; whole grain pasta; whole grain ready-to-eat cereals (presweetened and not presweetened); whole grain cakes, cookies, pies, pastries, Danish, doughnuts, and cobblers; whole grain snack bars; whole grain snack chips; popcorn; flavored popcorn; and baby food whole grain mixtures.
If you like flavoring, add pure extract like vanilla and just a teaspoon or less of sugar, which will give you less sugar than many presweetened creamers.
People rated presweetened cereals and French fries as healthier when they were exposed to ads for these products as children.
Results indicated that third-plus generation Latinos were significantly more likely to ensure a sufficient intake of vitamins and minerals, to choose water as beverage, to reduce their consumption of presweetened foods, and to add sugar meals/ beverages than more recent generations (see Table 3).
The analysis reveals that beverages supply nearly a quarter (22%) of total calories--with such nutrient-poor, sugar-sweetened beverages as soft drinks, fruit-flavor drinks, and presweetened teas as the largest contributors.
The 33 items used by Schaninger, Nelson, and Danko (1993) to test Bartos' Model of WWI were used here in order to facilitate direct comparison of results: healthy staples (yogurt, rice, herbal teas, fresh vegetables, bottled juice); diet beverages (diet sodas, sugar substitutes); sugary and junk foods (presweetened cereal, candy, potato/corn chips, sugary powdered drink mixes, regular sodas); convenience foods (instant rice, instant coffee, instant breakfast, TV dinners, canned vegetables, soups, entrees, etc.); meals prepared away from home (restaurant dinners out, fast food patronage, take-out pizza, and take-out Chinese food); and alcoholic beverages (beer, light beer, imported wine, premium domestic wine, and distilled spirits).
The beverage category also continues to expand, with new offerings running the gamut from water with distilled fruit essence to presweetened instant espresso mixes.
Oral stimulants (such as presweetened Kool-Aid crystals) can increase saliva production, but they affect the concentration of cortisol (14).
* Patients either took or increased the amount of aspartame products, such as drinking more presweetened iced tea in hot weather.
Meanwhile, presweetened, instant powder chai products penetrated into even the most convenience-driven food service concepts.
Children's cereals are presweetened with sugar, chocolate, honey, or other ingredients, which detracts from their healthy image.
Among the favorites are presweetened cereals, toaster pastries, canned pasta, peanut butter and jelly, whole milk, fish sticks, cupcakes and macaroni and cheese.