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1. full of praise; giving praise
2. archaic deserving of praise; praiseworthy
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.praiseful - full of or giving praise; "a laudatory remark"
complimentary - conveying or resembling a compliment; "a complimentary remark"
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At every point of obstruction, which the pit of hell must throw in the way of such inspired project, praiseful focus, without compromise, will carry the executor over the finishing line.
The "you" descends from the heights of "joy's ebbless tide" to join the milder pleasures of praiseful song, as if that tide has become irretrievably involved in the grisly shambling toward the shore of seafarers "alive or dead-in-life." Christina's preferred conception of heaven as community, as reunion with the dearly departed, here remains suffused with imagery from earlier in the sonnet that persistently implies a less reassuring alternative.
She continued that now our relation with social media has changed, as it is very normal to post about even private details of your life, compared to before, as there were only groups for famous singers, where fans circulated photos and praiseful posts.
A head turned in front of Tony, amazed and praiseful. Without a doubt, if there was anyone who deserved to be seated among the cognoscenti, it was Antonio Acosta Pastor; he's not only a notable practitioner of the arts, but also a patron, although a lawyer by profession (New York University), for which we forgive him.
The Architectural League exhibition, Smith demonstrates, rehabilitated Wright's reputation, earning praiseful press in the New Yorker, the New York Times and Time.
Muhammad Khan, Renowned Analyst, pointed the Kazakhstan's praiseful role during the long process of Pakistan's accession to Shanghai Cooperation Organization remained commendable.
Amir Izhar, President of AMA was praiseful of the efforts of minister for Higher Education and Information and pledged to provide unconditional support to the honorable minister for bringing positive changes in the current set up of the universities.
He begins in a quietly praiseful lilt, offering more respect than ardor to the old women seated in their open doorways near the sea: "Their faces are beautifully darkened in the sunlight." And we soon discover that it is the darkness of their souls, across two or more generations, rather than the beauty that is the principal focus of the unfolding drama.