Prairie style

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Prairie style

1. The architectural style of the Prairie School.
2. A style of decorative arts associated with this school, characterized especially by strong horizontal and vertical elements.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Irises look wonderful en masse, in a bold amoebicshaped drift mixed border or randomly planted prairie style in grass.
developed, built and owns the two-story, 29,000-square-foot facility, which features Prairie style architecture, more windows, enhanced lobbies with natural light and state-of-the-art building systems.
The focus of PowwowFashions in this issue highlights the women's Prairie style dresses.
"He worked until the weekend of his death."<br />Wright was well-known for the Prairie style he pioneered in his early career.
The exterior architectural design mixes Prairie Style and the Arts and Crafts movement with nods to two of the Churchs oldest temples in Laie, Hawaii (dedicated in 1919) and Cardston, Alberta, Canada (1923).
The trademark buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright follow the simple principle of being long and low - the 'Prairie Style' that blends in with the spread-out geography of the USA's Mid-West flatlands.
"It was a remarkable period of architecture, a mixture of Arts and Crafts, Prairie style, and Finnish Romanticism," he says.
It will begin with a foundation slab in place and end with all interior walls framed and the Prairie Style exterior nearly completed.
These individuals created the Prairie style (Wright), advanced the Arts & Crafts movement (Maybeck).
ARCHITECTURAL STYLES: 1920s bungalows and Florida Cracker cottages in the River District surrounding 26th Street; authentic Spanish-style homes; mid-century ranch homes; Prairie style, Key West style and a few Southern-style brick homes; and estate-size properties right along the river
A sloped roof with a prairie style was designed to blend with an adjacent residential neighborhood.